If you seem to never be able to get a good night’s rest and you are always tired, you may need to just add a little exercise to your routine. Recent studies have shown that practicing the ancient Chinese marital art of Tai Chi can actually improve your quality of sleep.
In a recent study performed by UCLA researchers looked at a group of 112 older adults who were all in good health but had trouble sleeping and were always tired. The participants were divides into two different groups, half were taught 20 moves in that ancient art of Tai Chi while the other half took classes about sleep habits, diet, and stress management. The study revealed that the group of participants who were performing the very simple moves of Tai Chi no longer complained that they were always tired and showed marked improvement in the quality and frequency of their sleep. Not only were they not always tired, but the regular day time problems such as the drowsiness and fogginess you get with always being tired improved as well.
The great benefits of using Tai Chi to help you get the rest that your body needs is a safe and natural method that does not have any of the harsh side effects or complications with health problems and worries about possible drug interactions that you would have to deal with when taking sedatives or other drugs for aiding sleep. Also, with Tai Chi you do not have to worry about always being tired even after you sleep which can often happen with some sedatives that leave you drowsy and feeling wiped out the next day even though you are getting to sleep at night.
Additionally, you get the added benefits of Tai Chi itself which can help you improve both your physical and mental well being. The soft, fluid movements of Tai Chi are non-stressful on your body and is something that can be practiced by nearly anyone. So if you are always tired, maybe the ancient art of Tai Chi can help you find a more peaceful night.