Burnout is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Some experts think that other conditions, such as depression, are behind burnout but, whatever the cause, job burnout can affect your physical and mental health.
Burnout Symptoms:
- Have you become cynical or critical?
- Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started?
- Have you become irritable or impatient with colleagues, friends or family?
- Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?
- Do you find it hard to concentrate?
- Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements?
- Do you feel disillusioned about your job or obligations?
- Are you using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to simply not feel?
- Have your sleep habits changed?
- Are you troubled by unexplained headaches, stomach or bowel problems, or other physical complaints?
If you answered yes to several of these questions, you may be experiencing Burnout Syndrome.
Possible Causes:
Burnout can result from various factors, including:
- Lack of control.
- Unclear work/home-life expectations.
- Dysfunctional workplace/home dynamics.
- Extremes of activity.
- Lack of social support.
- Work-life imbalance.
Risk Factors:
You might be more likely to experience job burnout if:
- You lack a balance between your work life and your personal life.
- You have a heavy workload.
- You try to be everything to everyone.
- You work in a helping profession.
- You feel you have little or no control.
- Your job is monotonous.
Ignored burnout can have significant consequences, including:
- Excessive stress
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Sadness, anger or irritability
- Alcohol or substance misuse
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Vulnerability to illnesses
- Mental Fog
What To Do:
- Evaluate your options. Discuss specific concerns with your supervisor and family. Work together to evaluate expectations or reach solutions. Prioritize goals for what must get done and what can wait.
- Seek support. Whether you reach out to colleagues, friends or loved ones, support and collaboration might help you cope.
- Try a relaxing activity. Explore activities that can help with stress such as yoga, meditation or tai chi.
- Get some exercise. Regular physical activity can help you deal with stress and take your mind off work.
- Get some sleep. Sleep restores well-being and helps protect your health.
- Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of focusing on your breath flow and being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling at every moment, without interpretation or judgment. In a job setting, this practice involves facing situations with openness, patience, and without judgment.
- Eat a nutritious diet. By providing your body with the nutrients it needs, you will also be providing it the ability to cope with stress, function optimally, and maintain mental clarity.
Using Nutrition Response Testing, we can determine what your body is lacking then suggest whole food, plant-based supplements to correct any dis-ease!