
5 Tips For Weight Loss!

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The world is fascinated with weight loss, some for health reasons and others for cosmetic. No matter the reason, many people try harsh diets that never work, extreme exercise regimens that result in injuries or other weight loss programs that end without success. The reason that none of these weight loss methods seem to work is because in order to stay with a program, you have to enjoy it. Not only that, but it has to be safe as well.

Below are 5 genuine tips to weight loss, which almost anyone can do without tossing out their favorite food or spending every spare minute in the gym. Realistically, any weight loss program will take time. If anyone promises you different, they are either not being completely honest or are simply uninformed. Follow one single weight loss program for 30 days, whatever it may be, and see if you have results. If not, move on to something else. In the meantime, check out several tips to getting started today.

Tip # 1
Walking. If you can set aside 30 minutes every day to enjoy a leisurely stroll, you will be strengthening your legs and your heart while burning some calories in the process.

Tip # 2
Use a mini-cycle. These portable little exercise units offer the look of bicycle pedals set up on a metal bar, but without the high price or weight of a standard exercise bike. With a mini-cycle, you can pedal at your desk, on the couch or anywhere else that you can comfortably sit and reach the pedals.

Tip # 3
Walk or take the stairs instead of an elevator. This is a terrific weight loss exercise without even noticing the extra effort. Something as simple as a few extra steps every day can go a long way where weight loss is concerned. The next time you go to the store, park in the middle of the parking lot and walk to the store. Avoid parking in the closest spot to the door, which is tempting, but opt to walk instead.

Tip # 4
You don’t necessarily have to cut out all of your favorite foods, but you should eat them in moderation. There is no single food that will completely hinder your weight loss attempt but, if consumed excessively, it may. For instance, simply limit your intake to one candy bar (sweetened with stevia or palm sugar, of course!).There is no reason to cut out your favorite food when a conservative amount of the things we love can still have a place in our lives, including during the times that we are focusing on weight loss.

Tip # 5
Whatever your exercise routine, set aside a certain time each day to do it. Individuals who set a routine are much more likely to stay with it and find success than those who simply exercise whenever they have time. The goal to successful weight loss is to make time.

Weight loss missions can seem daunting but, by incorporating these 5 simple tips, you can be more successful in reaching your goal weight. As always, consult with your doctor to find the best program fit for your body!

MOOOVE Over Diary!!

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“No Sense In Crying Over Spilt Milk!”

You’ve heard it all of your life, “There’s no sense in crying over spilt milk,”
but does this phrase actually hold true to your diet? It means that there is no sense in being upset about something you can’t change and the truth of the matter is that dairy can be toxic for your body… so now what? You can’t change the dangerous effects that it has on your health, but you can find tasty alternatives to the creamy food group we’ve all grown to love so much!

WHY Is Dairy Bad?

1. You probably can’t digest it properly!
Three-quarters of us lack the enzyme
to properly digest cow’s milk.

2. It actually increases your risk of osteoporosis & fracture! 
We absorb just 30% of the calcium found in dairy,
but we absorb twice the amount of calcium if we eat veggies!

3. There are lots of hormones in milk!
Because dairy cows are kept on sex hormones to lactate,
when you consume dairy, you’re also taking in a significant
amount of estrogen & progesterone- even if it’s organic!

4. It increases your risk of cancer! 
Increased exposure to estrogen increases the
risk of cancer and dairy accounts for 60%-80%
of estrogens consumed by humans today.

5. There are LOTS of contaminants in milk!
Dairy products contribute from 1/4 to 1/2 of most people’s
dietary intake of dioxins (any highly toxic compound
produced as the result of some manufacturing processes). 

At MBS our goal is to help people live a healthy, happy life!
Using NRT, we can discover whether cow’s milk is harmful to
your body then recommend whole food, plant-based
supplements to correct any imbalances.

Not sure how to cook without dairy? Let us suggest our
favorite organic, dairy-free alternatives as well as tasty recipes
that will satisfy your cravings for the creamy white gold!

For more information click the link below:

Come to our FREE health seminar Tuesday, June 4th  to learn more about how maintaining a whole food, plant-based lifestyle can increase your quality of life!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC
Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors



Altruism: The Key To Happiness

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Build a successful career, eat a clean diet, exercise every day, raise the kids to be amazing human beings, maintain the home, create a nurturing social life… 
it never ends!!

With the growing demands that life throws at us daily, we can
become overwhelmed with our own goals, priorities, and obstacles.
Rather than becoming absorbed in the stress of our own challenges,
studies show that we should spend more time focused on helping others
in order to maintain our mental health and overall well-being. 

Altruism: putting other people’s needs before our own.
By practicing altruism, we not only help others but also reduce our own stress levels, as well as improve our mood, self-esteem, and happiness. Some ways you can be a positive light in the lives of others is by volunteering, mentoring,
charity work and performing random acts of kindness!

1. Help others feel good!
2. Encourage a sense of belonging!
3. Keep things in perspective!
4. Make the world a happier place- it’s contagious!!

1. Reduces Stress!
2. Eliminate negativity!
3. Live longer!

Performing random acts of kindness require little to no effort,
but will make a great impact on someone’s day… here are some ideas!

-Send a hand-written letter or thank you note!
-Return someone’s grocery cart!
-Offer to babysit for an over-worked Mom!
-Pick up litter on the sidewalk!
-SMILE and say, “Hello!” to a stranger!

At MBS our goal is to help others find their way to a healthy and happy life.
Did you know that your mental health can be impacted by the food you eat?
Using NRT, we can discover what organs are deficient and
determine what nutrients your body is lacking. 

For more information click the link below:

Come to our FREE health seminar Tuesday, May 21st  to learn more about how maintaining a whole food, plant-based lifestyle can increase your quality of life!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH
Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC
Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors




Skincare Ingredients Causing Ecotoxicity?

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Earth Day has come and gone, but we should still be aware of the impact we have on our environment!
Some of the chemicals hidden in our serums, masks, and moisturizers can have a harmful effect on the environment after they’re washed from our faces, down drains and into our oceans, and where they can damage aquatic life. Fortunately, there are plenty of effective alternatives, providing all of the care your complexion needs without any of the controversies. Be on the lookout for these dangerous ingredients & try some of our suggestions in place of your everyday beauty products!

Oxybenzone & Octinoxate – These two can be found in sunscreen. They increase vulnerability to bleaching & prevents growth in coral reefs. 
TRY: La Roche: “Posay Anthelios Comfort Sun Lotion” 

Triclosan – Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that is toxic to aquatic bacteria, particularly algae & can be harmful to human health as well.
TRY: Dr. Bronner’s: “Hemp Rose Pure Castile Soap”

Parabens – This preservative has been found in the tissues of marine mammals & disrupts human hormone function.
TRY: The Inkey List: “Hyaluronic Acid Serum”

Siloxanes– Siloxanes are found in moisturizers & may bioaccumulate in aquatic food chains. They are toxic to aquatic life.
TRY: Drunk Elephant :”A-Passioni Retinol Cream”

Plastic Microbeads – Found in common cosmetics, these beads are rinsed down the drain & into waterways where, ultimately, they are consumed by marine life.
TRY: Aesop : “Redemption Body Scrub”

Synthetic Fragrance – Can be found in anything from cleaning products to perfume & accumulates in
the tissues of aquatic life. It is also the most common skin irritant.
TRY: RMS : “Beauty Oil”

How are you impacting the environment?
Ask us about other alternatives at your next appointment!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC

Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors



It’s All In The Gut!!

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Spring and summer are a joy, unless you’re one of millions who suffer with seasonal allergies. Then it can be a really miserable couple of seasons of sniffling, scratchy throat, coughing, itchy eyes – or the alternative – taking medications that make you sleepy or even more detrimental side effects that can leave you debilitated even further. 

It’s even worse if your allergies trigger your asthma – which is the case for many adults and increasing numbers of children. Evidence shows seasonal allergy rates are rising throughout the world, and especially in urban areas. Here’s what I’ve learned: With the right approach, you can kick your seasonal allergies to the curb for good.

What really causes seasonal allergies?

The dry, itchy eyes and sore throat that come with seasonal allergies are often blamed on high pollen counts. All of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies are signs of inflammation: redness, swelling, and itching. To get rid of allergies, you have to get rid of inflammation and hyper-reactivity. Where do you start:
The place to start is in your gut.

While the connection between your gut and seasonal allergy symptoms might not be instantly obvious, healing your gut is the first step to waving your seasonal allergies goodbye.

The Gut and Allergy Connection

While the connection between your gut and seasonal allergy symptoms might not be instantly obvious, healing your gut is the first step to waving your seasonal allergies goodbye. Let’s take a closer look.

One of the major jobs of your digestive system is to provide an interface between the external world (foods, allergens, bacteria, etc.) and your bloodstream. It does this in the stomach by using natural digestive acids to break down potentially allergenic proteins and in the intestines via a layer of barrier cells that prevents these proteins from getting into your bloodstream. You also have a whole host of special bacteria in your gut, as well as immune cells, whose job it is to break down and get rid of proteins and other molecules that can cause you to get sensitized to them, leading to gut – and systemic – inflammation.

What causes your gut to become inflamed?

Many lifestyle habits and food choices can weaken your gut lining over time, making you more prone to inflammation and allergies. Here are a few examples:

  • Acid reflux medication, such as proton-pump inhibitors. When you are taking medications for reflux (like a PPI such as Prilosec) this takes out the first line of defense – your stomach acid.
  • Food sensitivities. When your gut barrier gets weakened from chronic exposure to foods that irritate your gut, you’re more likely to experience inflammation.
  • Antiobitics. When the good gut bacteria get out of balance from antibiotics, you can develop a leaky gut.

Foreign proteins get into your system and place your body on red alert to react to many harmless triggers in your environment such as tree pollen.

So the first step to quieting down your body’s over reactivity is to heal your gut. This will reduce both seasonal allergies and common food sensitivities (bonus!).

Come to our next free seminar on April 23rd here at our office:
“Allergies:Food/Seasonal – How To Treat Them Naturally”

You will get a free mini-evaluation that night!!
We want to see you thrive this allergy season…not just survive!!

Call the office to reserve your seat. Hope to see you soon and have a great weekend! 
In good health, 
Dr. Serge & Dr. Stacey 

Coronavirus: authorities are missing one important aspect.

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After all the rhetoric and theories, Coronavirus is a genuine threat, and it’s likely that you and I will be exposed.

It is in the USA now, and several cases have been diagnosed already.

It’s a “new” type of Coronavirus

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as the common cold, though rarer forms such as SARSMERS, and COVID-19 can be lethal.

In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was reported in WuhanChina. On 31 December 2019, the outbreak was traced to a novel strain of Coronavirus, which was given the interim name 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization (WHO), later renamed SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Some researchers have suggested that the Huanan Seafood Market may not be the original source of viral transmission to humans.

As of 5 March 2020, there have been at least 3,286 confirmed deaths and more than 95,748 confirmed cases in the coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. In the US, there are about 60 cases in California.

The Wuhan strain has been identified as a new strain of Betacoronavirus from group 2B with an ~70% genetic similarity to the SARS-CoV. The virus has a 96% similarity to a bat coronavirus, so it is widely suspected to originate from bats as well.

According to Forbes magazine, there are two strains of this virus, one that is more aggressive than the other.


There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections. In addition, wearing masks do not afford protection.

And no, you can’t get this virus from drinking a Corona. 😊

Infections range from mild to serious. The virus can turn deadly if it leads to pneumonia, respiratory failure, or septic shock. Those most at risk of death are the elderly and people with weakened immune systems.


The outbreak quickly moved from China around the world. It spreads the same way other coronaviruses do: through person-to-person contact.

Symptoms can show up anywhere from 2 to 27 days after exposure. Early on, they’re a lot like the common cold. You might notice:

  • Fever
  • Dry Cough
  • Shortness of breath

As modern science scrambles to develop a vaccine (many months away), as governments employ the ineffective quarantines, and as the public worries more each day; there is already a viable solution within our immediate reach. It comes by consensus and experience from functional medicine doctors from all around the world.

Quarantines do not work simply because we can’t stop any movement as Dr. Brewer explains:

“We’re a globally connected society today. It’s difficult to have an effective quarantine,” said Timothy Brewer, professor of medicine and a member of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. “For a quarantine to really be effective, you have to be able to prevent any movement. That’s very difficult to do in this day and age.”

In addition, the incubation time of this virus is up to 27 days. In other words, it can take up to 27 days before you actually have symptoms of the infection. 27 days is a very long time and that person could have potentially infected hundreds of other people.


Although they’ve given you some pretty important tips for PREVENTING the Coronavirus, they have missed one important aspect:

Strengthening your immune system!

Having a stronger immune system could go a long way to fighting off nasty pathogenic terrors that could make you sick.

Look…it’s that time of year where everyone is getting sick. And the more preventative measures you can take now to stop the spread of these viruses, the better off you are.

And if you happen to get sick, it would be better to have it for a few days than a few weeks, am I right?

As always, we must first ensure personal immune integrity. There’s a list of scientifically-backed, vitally-important nutrients that people can take right now to better ensure their body’s ability to respond and properly minimize the impact.

  1. Vitamin C is very important for viral infection prevention:


  1. Elderberry has been shown to kill viruses:


  1. Echinacea strengthens your immune system to fight viruses:



  1. Andrographis has been shown to defend our body against the flu:


  1. Ganoderma is a strong immune system booster:


  1. Vitamin D has anti-flu properties:


  1. Probiotics regulate the immune system and boost it:



  1. Zinc


  1. Olive Leaf


  1. Pau d’Arco


  1. Garlic


  1. Cat’s claw


  1. Astragulus



These herbs or products are a good way to strengthen your immune system and minimize your risks of getting this virus.

In addition, diet is very important. Dairy products, sugar, and wheat are to be eliminated out of your diet. These foods are known to reduce the ability of your immune system to fight infections. You can read more about this phenomenon here:


Finally, you can add coconut oil to your diet is known to have antimicrobial properties.





I hope this clarifies a few misconceptions about the coronavirus and how to fight it naturally!

God bless y’all 😊

Dr. Serge

Could Gluten Intolerance Symptoms Include Psychosis?

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Can Wheat Make You Crazy?

Maybe you’ve heard of the books Wheat Belly or Grain Brain. Maybe you’ve talked with friends about gluten free being a fad. Maybe you’ve been raised in a cultural consciousness that says, yeah food matters, but not that much…as long as you exercise, you should be good. Guess what? That is just not true. 

I’d love to tell you a story I read about this that seems to suggest that yes, gluten is an issue. No, it’s not a wellness fad, and its elimination may very well be the key to resolving what would otherwise be a chronic and disabling psychiatric condition.

A Case Report

Adult-onset psychosis.

She was 37, studying for her doctoral degree, under some degree of stress related to this, when she began expressing beliefs that people were talking about her. These beliefs progressed to paranoid accusations when she was burglarized a few months later and accused her parents of complicity.

She was hospitalized at a state psychiatric facility and labeled with psychotic disorder, treated with risperidone and sertraline and discharged after one month.

She was ultimately diagnosed with Hashimoto’s as well as Celiac disease which accounted for her multiple nutrient deficiencies, weight loss, and inability to absorb thyroid hormone medication.

Amazingly, the case report goes on to state:

After receiving the diagnosis of Celiac disease, the patient thought her practitioners were being deceitful regarding the diagnosis and refused to adhere to a gluten-free diet. Psychotic symptoms and paranoia persisted, and she continued to “find clues” of conspiracy against her. She lost her job, became homeless, and attempted suicide; her family took out a restraining order against her. Eventually, she was rehospitalized at a psychiatric facility, where she was placed on a gluten free diet.

After 3 months on a strict gluten-free diet at an inpatient facility, her delusions resolved completely (associated with remission of Celiac confirmed by negative serologies and biopsy), but she was continued on risperidone for several months. At the time of the case write up, she had relapsed psychiatrically after an inadvertent exposure to gluten.

The Gluten Brain Connection

In this report, Dr. Alessio Fasano cautions not to initiate a gluten free dietary trial before an intestinal biopsy can be obtained (so as to avoid a false negative result). Should this be a universal procedure for all those presenting with symptoms of psychiatric and neurologic illness or is there a path of less harm in a trial of a strict gluten free diet? Available literature suggests that brain-based manifestations of Celiac disease are possible. A related case report demonstrated on SPECT scanning that frontal lobe damage and associated symptoms of psychosis and diarrhea resolved with a gluten-free dietary intervention.

What if the biopsy is negative? What about the ever-increasing acknowledgement of non-celiac, gluten enteropathy and its very real psychiatric manifestation including depression and psychosis? According to Dr. Hadjivassiliou, “Gluten sensitivity can be primarily, and at times, exclusively a neurological disease” without co-occuring small intestinal pathology or subjective gut complaints.

A related paper states:
“Gluten can cause neurological harm through a combination of cross reacting antibodies, immune complex disease and direct toxicity. These nervous system affects include: dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, cerebella ataxia, hypotonia, developmental delay, learning disorders, depression, migraine, and headache. If gluten is the putative harmful agent, then there is no requirement to invoke gut damage and nutritional deficiency to explain the myriad of the symptoms experienced by sufferers of celiac disease and gluten-sensitivity. This is called “The Gluten Syndrome”.”

Sayer Ji of Greenmedinfo.com details the history dating back to 1951 of gluten in psychiatric and specifically psychotic illness. More recent data has demonstrated that patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia are 2-3 times as likely to have immune reactivity to wheat. This report dovetails with an American Journal of Psychiatry study that correlated high levels of gliadin antibodies in cord blood with the later onset of psychosis in the offspring. Perhaps this immunoinflammatory priming is happening in utero and perpetuated through exposure to wheat products over the lifespan.

Psychiatric Medication: Worse Than Nothing

The time lost to identify the root cause of this 37 year old patient’s illness – which could be characterized as autoimmune alone rather than autoimmune AND psychiatric – resulted in almost a year of exposure to an ineffective antipsychotic medication. No harm in that, right?


What if a course of “first do no harm” actually looked like any effort to accomplish this very intention. What if there were inpatient facilities where strict unprocessed (which automatically takes out gluten, sugar,and commercial dairy!) anti-inflammatory, organic diets were offered in a low chemical setting with the support of safe practices such as yoga, meditation, and even acupuncture in addition to community support? If there were, I know some corporate entities that might be less than pleased with the outcomes, but this shouldn’t stop us from taking matters into our own hands preventatively. 

Clean up your mind, clean up your body, and learn about the way processed foods have you dangling from a puppet string. If you are getting some unexpected symptoms as of late, examine your diet, start a food journal. You may detect gluten in some foods you thought were a “yes” but really a “no”.

Let us work together to put you on a better path of healthy eating! 

Yours in health, 
Dr. Serge 
Dr. Stacey 

How Looong Does Antidepressant Withdrawal Last?

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You board a flight for a stated destination, expecting to arrive within six hours. You can tolerate the hardships inherent in typical air travel, especially since you’re motivated by the anticipated result of getting from point A to the more desirable point B. Twelve (12) hours later, the plane you boarded is still stuck on the tarmac because of unexpected and unexplained “mechanical problems.” Had they only informed you ahead of time, you would have made other arrangements. You would have avoided your prolonged misery… and the unforeseen delay in gratification.

Nobody wants to sign up for a complicated and enduring process, either en route to a planned geographic destination or on a personal journey to health and wellness. While these occurrences are relatively uncommon on airlines, they are increasingly prevalent in the world of modern medicine. Antidepressant drugs, for example, are routinely prescribed without informing patients that the exit plan may involve excruciating delays and complex withdrawal.

Withdrawal Can Be a Years-Long Struggle

A new study analyzing withdrawal symptoms for patients coming off of antidepressants was published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. Authored by researchers at three British universities, this particular study focused on the characteristics of withdrawal associated with SSRIs and SNRIs including time of onset, duration, and the nature of the symptoms.

They studied self-reporting by approximately 173 people using a website that aims to help those dealing with antidepressant withdrawal.

There were some differences in the withdrawal characteristics reported, based on the specific class of antidepressants. Neurological symptoms including “brain zaps”— a sensation resembling an electric shock inside the head—were more common, for instance, among SNRI users. On the other hand, psychosexual/genitourinary symptoms were reported more frequently by SSRI users.

Adding insult to injury, everyone in this study reported a prolonged experience of drug withdrawal.

The mean duration of withdrawal symptoms reported by those discontinuing the use of SNRI drugs was 50.8 weeks—almost a full year. The corresponding length of time withdrawal persisted for those who had been prescribed SSRI was nearly twice as long—more than 90 weeks.

These Drugs Aren’t Yet Fully Vetted

Patient feedback is teaching the reality of psychiatric medication dependence, currently absent from prescriber training, and largely unacknowledged by conventional physicians. Insights around withdrawal complications did not emerge in the published literature until recently and is not likely to be formally studied by drug production companies themselves. The medical and pharmaceutical community downplays the issue of withdrawal from SNRI and SSRI drugs by labeling it “discontinuation syndrome.” This is an inadequate, misleading definition. Studies confirm that withdrawal may occur even without full-blown discontinuation. Symptoms may arise if a dose is skipped, for instance, or when your dosage is therapeutically decreased.

Not only can withdrawal symptoms present themselves, but relapse or recurrence of the original complaint for which the antidepressants were prescribed can occur without root cause resolution interventions in place. There’s another aspect to withdrawal that is too often ignored…

Patients are Unwittingly Deprived of Self-Empowerment

The patient experiencing the pain of withdrawal stopped taking their antidepressants with realistic expectations. They believed that they would feel better and regain their sense of independent self.

After all, they aren’t ingesting pills purchased illegally in some back alley from a street-level dealer. They’re under the vigilant care of a board-certified medical professional who has vowed, first and foremost, to do no harm. Despite those reassurances, they find themselves in a world of hurt. They are challenged by a whole host of withdrawal symptoms comparable if not exceeding those experienced by people addicted to alcohol or narcotics. 

That experience may convince them that they have failed to heal and can never be well without dependence on antidepressant drugs. They may subsequently experience feelings of self-betrayal for wanting to discontinue the drugs or shame of failure.  With that in mind, it’s no wonder that the unintended outcomes from taking psychotropic medications, and attempting to discontinue them, even include suicide. 

There Are Positive, Proactive Alternatives

The ugly, often unspoken truth is that these medications are habit-forming and debilitating. The withdrawal symptoms they precipitate can potentially undermine your ability to commit to the process of healing with a positive and determined attitude of self-empowerment. That increases the risk of relapse, which is why psychiatrist Peter Breggin called drug withdrawal programs “the most urgently needed intervention in the field of psychiatry.”

Patients need to be fully informed of the inherent risks of these drugs and the adverse of impact of withdrawal. Otherwise, they are robbed of their ability to gain objective perspective and reframe the experience with a view toward sustainable healing.

The Holistic Approach to Depression 

Instead of battling this dilemma through pharmaceutical usage or even worse alone, turn to us here at Mind and Body Solutions. We can give you the natural, holistic method in treating depression with whole food, plant-based supplements. Often times we see in a patient that it is their body’s response to stress that has left the body completely deficient of the minerals the brain needs to function properly. Don’t suffer alone…we are here to help you and guide you through this difficult time.

Partnering with you in health, 
Drs. Serge and Stacey

Is Sitting Worse Than Smoking?

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Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past several decades, you know that exercise is good for you, and too much time sitting on your bum is one of the best ways to increase your risk of disease and early death.

A new study published in JAMA of over 122,000 people made this even clearer. The researchers found that:

  • High fitness levels were associated with the longest lifespans, in a continuous and linear fashion, i.e., the more a person exercised, the longer their lifespan was. (Note: This conflicts with previous research suggesting that too much exercise may be harmful.)
  • Not exercising at all is “the equivalent of having a major disease” like diabetes, in terms of mortality risk.
  • Being “unfit” is a greater predictor of early death than being a smoker.

Exercise is one of those interventions that makes sense on every level:
it reduces the risk of disease, extends lifespan, improves mental health, and feels good—once you get over that initial hump.

In addition to exercise, limiting the amount of time you spend sitting is also important. In fact, that’s probably the best first step to take if you’re currently sedentary: standing and walking more and doing low-intensity yoga or cycling. Then you can add more intense exercise after that.

Most important (in my mind, at least) is to find a type of activity or exercise that you enjoy. Otherwise, you’ll be far less likely to stick with it. Do what you LOVE!!

Let us help you with any health issue you might be concerned with!
Make your appointment today 
and enter into the New Year, a New YOU!! Mind and Body Solutions                                                   281-616-3816

Feeling Blue?

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Ever heard of the expression “feeling blue”? Well, it might surprise you that this expression originated from when a ship would fly a blue flag to display an officer or captain had perished on board. Over time, the expression “feeling blue” has evolved into meaning feeling down, sad, or even downright depressed.

Depression affects about 16.2 million adults in the United States—equaling 6.7 percent of all adults in the country. There are many pharmaceutical drugs that we can turn to that treat depression but should we? They rely on boosting a brain chemical called serotonin. Serotonin influences mood, appetite, and sleep. These drugs are known as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). Some side effects of these can include drowsiness, nausea, and insomnia. These unwanted effects might possibly be worse than the depression itself!

natural approach shows much promise…personalized nutrition and appropriate exercise.

Turns out, regular exercise helps ease depression by releasing endorphins by taking your mind off your worries and boosting self-confidence. Along with exercise, a personalized nutritional program can and will help with depression.

Are you suffering or know someone who is suffering from depression, feeling blue, or even a little “off” this holiday season? Let us help…call today to make your appointment and enter into the New Year, a New YOU!!

 Mind and Body Solutions

A Sweetener That Could Kill You!

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A review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal Toxicology and Environmental Health, overturns widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener.

Found in tens of thousands of products and used by millions of consumers around the world, sucralose’s unique ability to dissolve in alcohol and methanol as well as water, makes it the most versatile and therefore most widely used artificial sweetener in production today. Yet, its popularity is no indication nor guarantee of its safety, as is evidenced by the widespread use of other artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which while being safely approved around 90 nations, has been linked to a wide range of health issues including possible neurotoxicity.

The Center for the Public Interest in Science downgraded Splenda from “safe” to “caution,” citing their need to evaluate a forthcoming Italian study linking the artificial sweetener to leukemia in mice as a basis for their decision.

Another human study published around that time linked Splenda to diabetic-like conditions, calling into question its value as a non-calorie sweetener for those suffering with, or wishing to prevent, blood sugar disorders.

  • Both animal and human research indicates sucralose may raise blood sugar and insulin levels indicating it may have diabetogenic properties.
  • While classified as a food additive, sucralose’s organochlorine structure indicates it interferes with a wide range of organochlorine class drugs and activates detoxification pathways and enzymes in a manner similar to these xenobiotic chemicals.
  • Sucralose (delivered as Splenda) has been found to reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointesintal tract (e.g., lactobacilli, bifidobacteria), while  increasing the more detrimental bacteria (e.g., enterobacteria). One study found the adverse effects on flora did not return to normal (baseline) after a 3-month recovery period. Sucralose also altered the pH of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cancer-causing dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are formed when Splenda (Sucralose) is cooked.

Long gone are the days that this artificial sweetener can be marketed as natural, safe, and a healthy alternative to sugar. To the contrary, today’s research clearly indicates that sucralose is a chemical that we should go to great lengths to avoid exposure to rather than something we should intentionally add to our food. You will also find a growing body of research that indicates that sucralose not only does not break down in the environment, but survives water treatment plant purification techniques, with the inevitable consequence that it is accumulating in concentrations in our drinking water and the environment that may adversely impact humans and wildlife alike.

Avoiding this natural sweetener, leaves us looking at the following alternatives:

As always, bring any uncertain food to your appointment. We can check what is a “yes” and what is a “no”.

Remember, food is either a dangerous toxin or phenomenal medicine used to heal the body.

Go Ahead, Pass the Salt!!

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All About Salt

When it comes to watching your salt intake, most people focus on limiting certain foods–but some beverages, like sports drinks, are often high in sodium.
Salt is the primary seasoning used to flavor food and an essential ingredient of the diets of both animals and humans alike.
The human body contains about four ounces of salt. If you don’t have enough of it, your heart won’t beat, you can’t digest your food, your blood won’t circulate throughout your body, and your muscles won’t work properly.
While salt may contribute to high blood pressure in some people, for others it may be a treatment for chronic fatigue.

Salt History:
In ancient times, salt was a valuable commodity often used as currency. In fact, the word “salary” is derived from the Latin word for salt, salarium. To be told that you weren’t “worth your salt” implied that you were lazy and not worthy of your wages.
Prior to modern refrigeration, salt was also used as a food preservative. In regions where winters were severe and fresh foods were unavailable for long periods of time, salt was used to “cure” meats.
Of course, Grandma had many uses for salt as well:
·         Adding it to salad greens to prevent wilting
·         Using it to help cut flowers last longer
·         Rinsing a sore throat with it
·         Polishing teeth with it on a toothbrush
·         Cooking eggs with it to make them set faster

Like with many things, too little salt prevents your body from working correctly. Too much salt usage and other problems arise. Himalayan salt is the “great, new salt”, but remember it lacks iodine so stick with sea salt…gray in color.

Have any questions or would like to find out the products I use and enjoy, come to my seminar on December 18 for my Q&A Seminar.  I’ll be sharing my favorite “go-to” items. Plus, Guiltless ForSure will be here serving yummy desserts!! See you then!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH
Alternative Medicine Doctor

Five Ways Dark Chocolate Is The Perfect Superfood

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You know chocolate tastes great, but now science has delivered the best news yet: Dark chocolate may just be nature’s perfect superfood.

The discovery that chocolate is a healthy food is relatively new for our modern culture that has always treated it as a sinful indulgence. But the civilizations of Mesoamerica were using chocolate medicinally as early as the 7th century B.C. Evidence of its use in the diet go back as far as 1800 B.C.

The etymology of the word “chocolate” goes back to the ancient Mayans and Aztecs who drank a bitter brew made from cacao beans that was called xocoatl, which means bitter water. They called it that because, although we think of chocolate as a sweet, it is not sweet until you add sugar. Pure chocolate is bitter, and that’s good, because the bitterness comes from the flavonoids, and it’s the flavonoids that make chocolate a superfood.

That chocolate is a health food and not a junk food seemed inconceivable until as recently as less than two decades ago when the first studies began to trickle in. Now, the studies are pouring in, and the medical journals are full of research on dark chocolate.

The first hint came in a Journal of Nutrition article that described chocolate for the first time as a food that may increase antioxidant activity and may actually be good for your heart. The cautious hint was exciting enough for the New York Times to write a story on it in October of 2000, and the preliminary idea of chocolate as a health food entered our cultural consciousness.

At the time of the New York Times article, not a single double-blind, placebo-controlled study had ever been done on chocolate. All that has changed. The double-blind research overwhelmingly supports the early suggestion that dark chocolate is good for your heart. But that’s not all it supports. The science clearly shows that dark chocolate is an important health food for diabetes too. And the news just keeps getting better and better.

Chocolate is Good for Your Heart

The serious science of dark chocolate as a health food began with the 2003 publication of the finding that flavanol-rich chocolate increases nitric oxide with the desirable effect that the blood vessels dilate. Since then, studies have shown that dark chocolate can prevent cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, and protect you from dying from a heart attack.

Chocolate benefits heart health in many ways. Dark chocolate significantly lowers blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure and even in people who struggle with obesity as well as high blood pressure. Dark chocolate also improves arterial elasticity, blood vessel dilation and blood flow even in people with congestive heart failure who have been unresponsive to drugs. Eating dark chocolate also benefits atherosclerosis and has impressive effects on cholesterol.

Chocolate Benefits Diabetics

Chocolate is the paradigm of delicacies and sweets. So, even if eating chocolate is good for your heart, it surely must be terrible for diabetes. But the unbelievably good news is that, not only is dark chocolate not bad for diabetes, it’s really good for it: eating dark chocolate reduces your risk of diabetes.

Though it seems impossible, dark chocolate improves blood sugar by significantly lowering insulin resistance and significantly improving insulin sensitivity. Eating dark chocolate can also help diabetics decrease the higher risk of heart disease their diabetes brings with it.

Being overweight is an important risk factor for diabetes. But just as dark chocolate benefits obese people with high blood pressure, so it can have blood sugar benefits for people struggling with obesity. When obese people eat dark chocolate, their blood sugar levels go down significantly.

Chocolate Makes Your Brain Young Again

Science actually shows that chocolate can make you smarter. Seniors who eat dark chocolate have significantly better scores on tests of cognition and lower risk of cognitive decline. Amazingly, eating dark chocolate reverses age-related memory decline: it actually increases memory function. Double-blind research shows that dark chocolate improves cognitive scores, including processing speed, executive function, language and working memory, in seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), which is huge because there are no drugs that effectively treat MCI. Chocolate’s cognitive powers are not confined to seniors. College students given dark chocolate perform significantly better on memory tests.

Chocolate Makes You Happy

You know that eating chocolate makes you happy. But chocolate doesn’t just make you happy because it’s such a pleasure eating it, it actually makes you happy because it’s so good for you to be eating it.

Eating dark chocolate can improve negative moods and reduce stress and anxiety by producing calmness and contentedness. It can also energize your mind and significantly improve mental fatigue. Chocolate may help you fight stress and anxiety at a very fundamental level: when exposed to stress, people given dark chocolate have lower levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

So, You Think it Makes You Fat

Okay, you say, chocolate has health benefits, but what good is that because eating it will make me fat. But, will it? At least half a dozen studies say it won’t, and the news is even better than that. Not only will eating dark chocolate not make you fat, it will help you lose weight. Read that again: the words won’t change. Eating dark chocolate helps you lose weight.

This holiday season enjoy dessert…just make good choices! You will see the benefits of this amazing superfood by choosing dark chocolate!

The Superior Benefits of Magnesium and the Whole Food Matrix

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The Superior Benefits of Magnesium and the Whole Food Matrix

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential nutrient, participating in a variety of body functions and supporting multiple body systems. Read on to identify magnesium’s key functions, understand the value of Mg supplementation in a whole food matrix, and get a glimpse of how Mg intake affects various human conditions.

Why is Mg so important? What systems does it support?

Mg is a …

  • Catalyst for many intracellular processes
  • Co-factor in more than 300 enzymes in the body

Mg is vital for…

  • Supporting protein, DNA, and RNA synthesis
  • Supporting cell growth and reproduction
  • Energy storage and production
  • Stabilization of the cell membrane
  • Maintaining normal nerve and muscle function
  • Muscle contraction
  • Strong bones

What are the benefits of the whole food matrix?

The Mg ion is very reactive and unstable. Supplementation with Mg in a whole food matrix mimics the way Mg is found in nature, bound to various organic and inorganic compounds such as other minerals, proteins, and peptides.

In what patient profiles should Mg be considered?

Individuals with gastrointestinal conditions affecting nutrient absorption would likely benefit from Mg supplementation. Additionally, individuals with inadequate dietary intake of fruit and vegetables or those taking medications that affect magnesium levels such as diuretics, asthma medications, birth control pills, and proton pump inhibitors could benefit from Mg supplementation.

What are the signs of low Mg levels?

  • Mild headaches
  • Brain fog
  • Muscle twitches
  • Tremors
  • Cramps
  • Glucose management
  • Mood change
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue

How is Mg associated with stress and the autonomic nervous system?

Mg downregulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and controls the fight or flight response during stressful episodes. It relaxes the nervous system and allows the parasympathetic nervous system to function properly, restore homeostasis, and minimize the deleterious effect of stress on the body. Mg also decreases the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and induces partial suppression of HPA-axis activity.

Why does form matter?

All forms of Mg are useful but different forms have different absorption profiles. The absorption of different Mg forms is dependent on the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Selection of Mg form should be based on condition-specific information. This is because ligands in an Mg complex (glycine, citric acid, taurine, etc.) have different benefits for patients with specific medical conditions.

The major interest in Mg appears mostly associated to central nervous system (CNS) support, meaning Mg affects conditions like stress, mood, anxiety, and nervous system function. Thus, form matters.

If you think you are deficient in Mg, give us a call, and we can evaluate you with an initial consultation.
You don’t need to live another day with this deficiency. Let us get you healthy!!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH
Alternative Medicine Doctor

The healthiest coffee creamer, is that possible?

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Coffee is in the category of superfoods. It contains a wide variety of minerals and antioxidants. It is important in fighting off diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, aging, heart disease, cancer, depression, and among others. It is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water. It is also the second crop (after grapes) that most pesticides are being sprayed on. That is the reason why it is important to buy organic coffee. Otherwise, you are literally drinking pesticides in the morning.

When it comes to coffee, most people drink it with cream and/or sugar, which cancels out all the benefits of this wonderful bean. That is the reason why, here at Mind and Body Solutions, we have been looking for a healthy creamer, and we found one!

Laird Superfood is a dairy-free, vegan, and gluten-free coffee and beverage enhancer. It combines a unique blend of coconut milk powder and Aquamin™ (a sea algae that contains minerals such as calcium) with coconut water. It comes in different flavors such a chocolate or turmeric. It is a great way to add good fat to your diet. Stop by to get yours!

Fat Is Your Friend

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Fat Is Your Friend

One of the biggest health care hoaxes perpetrated during the last decade or so is the notion that “fat is bad.” If you want to enjoy your highest health potential, you need to know the truth about this common (and incorrect) belief about fat.

Fat is not your enemy.

Fat is essential if you want your body to look and feel younger and equip your nervous system to function at its best. Healthy fats supply good cholesterol, which is critical for the production of hormones that enhance youthful qualities. If you’ve chosen to adopt a low-fat diet, you’re depriving your body of the nutrients it needs to slow aging and to function optimally.

Granted, low-fat alternatives abound on grocery store shelves. To get away with low-fat (low-taste) products, manufacturers rely on amping up the sugar to deliver the taste people want. The result? Weight gain.

Bottom line? Fat doesn’t automatically make you fat. At least, “good” fat doesn’t.

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH
Alternative Medicine Doctor

Turmeric: The Most Threatening Herb of the Pharm Industry

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No single herb threatens the pharmaceutical industry’s global monopoly as much as turmeric. 

Here’s why…
Turmeric has received a lot of attention in the past few years. The reason has everything to do with the power of social media to undercut traditional pharmaceutical industry controlled media channels, along with the reality that the available published literature that has accumulated on turmeric’s health benefits is astoundingly vast. This is all the more amazing when you consider the fact that most pharmaceutical drugs are marketed for one major health benefit but come with about 75 known side effects. Turmeric is as effective as 14 conventional pharmaceuticals. Clearly natural substances are superior to synthetic ones in this regard and embody a physical form of inter-kingdom compassion between plant and animal. Yet, you cannot patent natural substances, which precludes turmeric or any of its extracts, from ever receiving FDA approval for the prevention or treatment of disease, even though it is capable of doing exactly this.

Come to our next seminar Tuesday, November 6 at 6:00PM here at our office where we will discuss chronic inflammation and pain. We in fact use turmeric forte and other whole food, plant-based supplements to treat inflammation that causes pain and disease.

Let’s get to the root of your health concern…together!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Alternative Medicine Doctor

Eggs: friend or foe?

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Over the last several decades, we have been told that cholesterol in our foods is bad. If you eat too much, you would have a higher risk of having a heart attack. This concept was based on a rigged study done by Dr. Keys in the late 50s. This study has been used to demonstrate that animal proteins are bad for us. Interestingly enough, before he died, Dr. Keys admitted that is was wrong about this, that he fabricated the results. Today, we have hundreds of research studies convincingly showing that cholesterol consumption does not cause heart disease, but it is needed for optimum health.

One of the most controversial food when it comes to cholesterol is eggs. You have been told over and over that they are bad for you. But are they?

A few studies wanted to address this question. They wanted to see if eating the white only (which means that the participants did not eat the yolk that contains cholesterol) was better than eating the whole egg (which contains the full amount of cholesterol). The answer is straightforward: the white by itself did not bring any important benefits. The reason is that the yolk contains most of all the nutrients of the egg. The yolk contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, and DHA omega-3, among others. On the other side, it is well-known that the consumption of the white only leads to biotin deficiency, which can lead to hair loss.

In conclusion, the authors recommend avoiding the consumption of the egg white only, but to eat the whole egg, which is a complete source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It is important to know that eggs do not cause heart disease and can be part of a healthy diet.

8 Naturally Pink Anti-Cancer Fighting Foods

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8 Pink Foods that Fight Breast Cancer

There are plenty of “pink” products in support of breast cancer awareness, but why not just cut out the middle man and eat naturally pink anti-breast cancer foods?

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when companies love to showcase pink packaging…but sometimes, what’s inside those packages isn’t so healthy. So we’ve rounded up 8 naturally pink foods that have all been shown to help keep away breast cancer. Choose organic to avoid pesticides and toxins when possible.

Red cabbage


A compound called indole-3-carbinol (also rich in cruciferous vegetables) is now being researched for its potential to significantly reduce the incidence of breast cancer.



These gem-like fruits may prevent breast cancer, lab studies suggest, by blocking a certain enzyme (aromatase) that converts androgen to estrogen.



Extract of red beetroot has been shown to help suppress multi-organ tumors in lab tests, and experts are considering using them in combination with traditional anticancer drugs to reduce their toxic side effects.



High in antioxidants, these have been shown to help reduce the spread of breast cancer cells. Additionally, a lab study with Japanese radish sprouts significantly lowered the incidence of mammary tumors.



Full of beta carotene like their orange counterparts, the red and purple in these heirloom carrots indicates extra antioxidant power.



Red and pink peels indicate cancer-fighting anthocyanins…plus quercetin, a flavonol that inhibited breast cancer growth in a recent petri dish study.

Sweet potatoes


Not to be confused with yams, the pink-skinned or purple versions of these are high in antioxidants. Orange flesh indicates beta carotene which has shown to reduce breast cancer risk by as much as 25% when eaten regularly. A Japanese study on rats showed that sweet potato extracts reduced existing breast cancer tumors and held back the growth of new ones.



Choose red ones for the rich antioxidants in their skins: you’ll get the same cancer-fighting component as in wine, but without the alcohol, which some studies suggest can boost cancer risk.

Let’s get healthy…together!!

A great way to get in shape!

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Hi, Chris Chaput here!

I’m a Friendswood top fitness trainer and I wanted to tell you about a special program I have that I think you’ll really like.

It’s called our Custom Fit for Fall Program, and it gets you substantial fitness results fast.

In fact, I want to show you a few pictures of our members and the results they’ve gotten.

Take a look here: www.accelerator21.com

We’re opening up enrollment in the Fit for Fall Program right now, but only to the first 21 members to register before October 2nd.

If you’re struggling to get the results you want, this is the perfect program for you.

Or if you’re getting OK results, but want to really kick it up a couple notches, then I encourage you to register for a complimentary Custom Fit for Fall Consultation here: accelerator21.com

To your best body and best health,

Chris Chaput
Blueprint Personal Training

The Un-Diet Diet

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The Un-diet Diet

The problem with most diets is they’re…diets. They’re followed for a relatively short period of time with the intent of “getting back” to the
pre-diet way of eating.

Here’s a nutritional plan so simple:

  1. Avoid man-made – That means avoiding genetically modified foods and those altered with man-made chemicals.
  2. Spoil quickly – Choose foods that have a relatively short shelf life.
  3. Reject white – White foods, whether refined sugar or bleached flour, are processed in ways that destroy their nutritional integrity.
  4. Supplement as necessary – These days, even some organic foods, may be lacking some of the nutritional value that they used to have.On your next visit, ask what we would recommend. Remember, if you aren’t sure if a food is good for you, bring it in so that we can make sure it is a “yes” for you. Food is either a medicine or a toxin. Choose wisely:)

    Also, we have reorganized our recipe book (located in the lobby) that is filled with copies intended for your personal use.

Let’s get healthy…together!!

Eat Dirt!

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by Jessi Guidry 9.16.19

Don’t we all wish we could take one supplement to help alleviate a multitude of illnesses? Well, you CAN! Believe it or not, consuming clay can help heal the body from a variety of ailments because of its natural detoxification abilities. 

Bentonite clay forms from volcanic ash that has settled into the ground. For thousands of years, it has been used to remove impurities from the skin and body.  In addition to skin solutions, people add it to food and drinks to relieve digestive issues or remove toxins from the body.

How It Works:

The theory is that bentonite clay absorbs materials by sticking to their molecules or ions. As the clay leaves the body, it takes the toxins with it. When applied to the skin, bentonite clay absorbs oil and bacteria to alleviate irritation. When consumed into the body, it absorbs toxins and other unwanted substances from the digestive tract. Bentonite clay contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron which may provide additional benefits. 

Remove Toxins From The Body:

Various studies suggest that Bentonite clay may reduce the effects of toxins within the body. One study looked at the effects of Montmorillonite clay, which is very similar to Bentonite clay. on reducing aflatoxins that are linked with poor growth and related disabilities in children in Ghana, West Africa . This study showed that the children who received the clay each day for two weeks had fewer signs of aflatoxins in their urine than those that did not. 

Treat Skin Conditions: 

Bentonite clay’s absorbent power is helpful in treating oily skin, acne, allergic reactions, bug bites and other skin irritations. The clay can help remove sebum (oil) from the skin and has a calming effect on breakouts. When used as a clay mask, bentonite clay can help remove impurities to treat acne and reduce the risk of pimples or skin infections. 

Aid In Weight Loss:

Bentonite clay can be helpful to those looking to lose weight. When ingested on a regulr regimen, the clay reduces weight gain. When used in conjunction with a clean, organic, high-fat/low-carb diet and incorporating regular exercise, bentonite clay can further assist with losing unwanted weight. 

Relieve Constipation/Diarrhea: 

Because Bentonite clay sticks to toxins, it can be helpful for regulating the digestive tract. Ingesting this clay can also be helpful to people struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Small Intestinal Bowel Obstructions (SIBO).

Remove Lead/Heavy Metals:

Lead and other heavy metals can cause severe health problems. Bentonite clay is helpful in removing these metals just as it removes toxins and impurities. The clay has a negative charge, meaning it can bind to positively charged metals. When the body eliminates the clay, heavy metals are removed with it. One study showed Bentonite clay was even effective in removing lead from waste water. 

How To Use Externally: 

Mix the clay with distilled or reverse osmosis water to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to irritated areas or the whole face. Leave on 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Apply organic coconut oil to moisturize and continue healing. Repeat 2-3 times per week. 

How To Use Internally: 

Mix one tsp with 6-8 ounces of distilled or reverse osmosis water and drink once per day. Do this at least 2 hours before or after any medications or supplements because it can bind to some and reduce their effectiveness. 

In summary, Bentonite clay is an ancient remedy that holds promise for various health conditions in today’s modern society. 


PCOS: An Invisible Illness

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What Is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder found in females. In 2016, an estimated 5 million American women were diagnosed with PCOS but, unfortunately, most women do not even know they have it! Up to 70% of women with PCOS are undiagnosed. Although the cause of PCOS is unknown, it is believed that elevated levels of insulin and androgens are related to the development of the disorder. PCOS affects women of all ages from adolescent to post-menopausal ages. 


PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility. An estimated 80% of women with PCOS will experience infertility. Even more apalling is that recent studies have shown that greater than 50% of women with PCOS will experience miscarriage or even recurrent miscarriages. Despite all of this, most women with PCOS are able to conceive on their own or with the assistance of fertility treatments. 

Insulin Resistance

Fifty to 70% of women with PCOS are resistant to insulin which could lead to the development of Type 2 Diabetes and most develop pre-diabetes before the age of 40 years old. Because of this resistance, diet and lifestyle factors play a huge role in the regulation of PCOS symptoms. 

Health Risks

As stated, women with PCOS have an increased risk of developing diabetes due to their insulin resistance. The risk of heart attack is 4-7% times greater than that of a woman the same age who doesn’t have PCOS. Mental health problems are prevalent among PCOS women. Studies suggest that insulin levels and hormone balance contribute to the increased risk of depression, anxiety and rapid mood swings. 


Women with PCOS struggle with daily life because it is known as an “invisible illness”. Symptoms of PCOS make those diagnosed feel like less of a woman and as if there is something wrong with their character without taking into account that there is a chemical imbalance within their bodies. People may develop negative body image, alienate themselves from loved ones and have unexplained “bad days”. It is important to take things one day at a time and to acknowledge that doing your best does not mean driving yourself to insanity. Here are some common PCOS symptoms: 

  • Excess body fat
  • Asthma/allergies
  • Rapid mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Pelvic pain
  • Infertility
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Darkening/thinning skin
  • Leg/foot swelling
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Cystic acne
  • Depression
  • Hirsutism
  • Skin tags
  • Insulin resistance
  • Irregular/absent periods
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Pain during sex
  • High testosterone
  • Chronic pain/inflammation
  • Painful/heavy periods


Giving away free “medicine”!

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Research scientists have spent considerable time investigating the effects of laughter. They have found that laughter can help patients recover from illnesses because it tends to lower blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, and recharges the body’s immune system. Laughter is also known to release the body’s natural painkilling substances to provide an overall feeling of well-being. This is a result of stimulating blood flow and aiding the heart.

It has been said that laughter has about the same benefits as aerobic exercise, but it comes without the pain sometimes experienced with physical activity. Laughter also helps to control insulin levels and blood sugar levels, and while scientists don’t recommend that patients quit their diet or exercise regimens, they do say that laughing definitely helps. Doctors have discovered that laughter also has an effect on viruses, bacteria, cancer and heart disease. They determined that their patients boosted their immune systems just by watching funny videos and movies.

Laughter is one of the first things we learn as babies. Scientists note that babies who smile the quickest were smiled at more in general. If parents are happy and smiling, it is a given that the baby is likely to smile quickly as well. Much research on children has been performed, and scientists discovered that laughter helped with children’s ability to endure pain and was also effective in the healing process. This is a valuable discovery for young cancer patients. Laughing relaxed patients who had to have painful procedures or who suffered from the anxiety of pain expectation.

Researchers have found that there are many positive effects from laughter, but no known negative effects. Laughter really is the best medicine. Just thinking about something funny makes the hormones flow and the body has a positive and healthy response.

Experiencing stress without laughter reduces the ability of the body to fight disease because it suppresses the immune system. A stressed body can’t fight infections and other disorders. Your body responds to emotions and feelings, so it’s good to laugh and release all the positive effects related to laughter. Basically, the immune system is closely linked to the positives resulting from laughter. Laughing helps to fight disease!

Stress levels can be reduced through daily exercise and having good eating habits (from nutrition response testing), and when laughter is added, things get even better. People who laugh a lot have reduced stress levels. Reducing stress is a major step in fighting disease.

We can help you!  Call us today and schedule your appointment to see Dr. Serge or Dr. Stacey, your NRT doctors.
Let us help you reduce the stress in your life!
Have an amazing day,
Your team here at Mind and Body Solutions

Good Mood Food

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by Jessi Guidry 8.26.19


Depression and mental health problems have become more common in recent decades. If you think about it, your brain is always working- when you’re awake and when you’re asleep, thus requires constant fuel which we get from food. The functionality of your brain depends on the quality of fuel your brain is provided. Is it possible that the foods we are consuming play a role in our moods and emotions? Dr. Eva Selhub, writer and contributing editor for Harvard Health Publishing states,

“What you eat directly affects the structure and function of the brain and, ultimately, your mood.”

photo credit: thedentalroom.com

Eating high-quality foods containing essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is “waste” (free-radicals) produced when the body uses oxygen, which damages cells. 

The brain can be damaged by low-quality food such as processed foods and refined sugars because it has little ability to get rid of these toxins. Studies have found a correlation between diet high in refined sugar and impaired brain function as well as the worsening of symptoms of mood disorders such as depression. Diets high in sugar worsen the body’s regulation of insulin and promotes inflammation and oxidative stress. 

It makes sense that if your brain is deprived of good-quality nutrition and free radicals are circulating around in the confined space of your skull that consequences are to be expected. Fortunately, the growing field of nutritional psychiatry is finding many correlations between your food and how you feel, behave and the types of bacteria living in your gut. 

photo credit: Foxy's Forest

The inner-workings of the human digestive system isn’t just for digesting food, but also assists with guiding emotions. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates sleep and appetite, mediates moods and inhibits pain. Ninety-five percent of Serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract which is lined with hundreds of millions of neurons. The function of these neurons and serotonin are highly influenced by the billions of “good” bacteria that make up your intestinal biome. These bacteria play an essential role in maintaining good health: 

  1. Protects the intestinal lining
  2. Limits inflammation
  3. Improves nutrient absorption
  4. Activates neural pathways that travel between the gut and the brain

Recent studies have shown that when people eat or take probiotics their anxiety levels, perception of stress and mental outlook improve in comparison to those that do not. 

During your next few meals begin to pay attention to your physical and mental reaction to food- not just your immediate reaction, but over the next few days as well. Log these reactions in a journal then try switching up your diet over the next few weeks. Eat clean, cutting out all processed foods and refined sugar. Incorporate fermented foods into your diet including kimchi, pickles, kombucha, and sauerkraut while eliminating any dairy/grains. After three weeks, test each type of food by re-introducing them one-by-one. Record your body’s response after each one. More than likely, you’ll find that your brain and body feels much healthier and functions better when you eliminate these foods. 


How To Introduce Healthy Habits Into Your Lifestyle

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by Jennifer McGregor

Healthy habits keep us feeling and looking good, but it’s not always easy to work them into your lifestyle. You may have a busy schedule that leaves you too tired to make changes, or you might have a tight budget that makes you feel uncomfortable about starting anything new. After all, eating healthy can be expensive in many states across the country, and a gym membership is out of the question for many people.

There are some simple things you can do to boost your overall well-being, however, that won’t break the bank or take up too much time. The key is to introduce them into your routine slowly so you can maintain them without becoming overwhelmed, and to follow some budget-friendly tips. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get better sleep, or reduce stress, finding ways to feel better doesn’t have to be challenging.

Follow these tips for working healthy habits into your lifestyle:

Boost your oral health

As we get older, it’s easy to neglect our oral health as other things become priorities. Your teeth and gums are an important part of your wellness, however, so it’s essential to take good care of them. Brushing and flossing are only one part of a good oral healthcare routine; you should also eat less sweets and drink less sugary beverages, and visiting the dentist twice a year is a must. If you don’t currently have a dentist or are looking for a new one, use an online guide to simplify your search. This way, you can find a list of the top dentists in Friendswood based on ratings and reviews.

Keep your healthcare plan updated

Keeping your healthcare plan updated is essential, especially if you’re a senior. Plans can change from year to year, as can your health needs, so read up on your policy to make sure you’ll be covered. If you have Medicare, it’s important to keep in mind that Parts A and B come with copayments and out-of-pocket costs, but a Medigap plan can help offset these costs. Parts F and G will give you the most benefits, but only Part F will cover the deductible incurred with Part B.

Make healthy eating a priority

It’s not always easy to eat well when you’re busy, tired, or stressed. That’s why it’s a good idea to look for easy ways you can keep nutritious meals and snacks within reach. Learning how to read food labels is a great start because many foods contain high amounts of sugar and carbs.

Know the most commonly neglected body parts

There are many areas of the body that get neglected when it comes to staying healthy and fit, such as the spine and kidneys. Improving your posture and drinking lots of water (as well as maintaining a healthy blood sugar level) can keep both of these body parts in great shape.

Lower stress levels

One health factor that many people either overlook or aren’t sure how to handle is stress. When you have a busy schedule or are dealing with work or family issues, stress can easily become overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to find healthy ways to cope with it, such as meditation or journaling. Practicing a favorite hobby is also a good way to relax. Think about the things that bring you the most stress during your day and how you can make changes to keep your mental health in tip-top condition.

Introducing healthy lifestyle habits into your daily routine can be tricky if you aren’t sure how to maintain them. That’s why it’s best to start slowly and give yourself plenty of time to get used to them. Talk to your friends and loved ones about your changes, as well, so they can support you during the process.


This Herb Is Good As Gold!

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What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an orange/yellow spice from the ginger family that is native to India. It has been a staple in Southeast Asian cooking for centuries. The active ingredient found in turmeric is called “Curcumin”. It is one of the most effective nutritional supplements and has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Turmeric is so highly revered for medicinal use because it contains a broad range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. 

10 Health Benefits: 

  1. Reduces Blood Sugar
    • Turmeric helps to reduce blood sugar and can actually reverse insulin resistance!
  2. Reduces Cholesterol
    • When taken 2 times daily for 3 months, turmeric reduces total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides in overweight people. 
  3. Reduces Inflammation
    • People with Rheumatoid Arthritis who took turmeric regularly noted reduced pain and inflammation in joints. 
  4. Prevents and Treats Cancer
    • Curcumin interferes with cancer development and growth by disrupting cellular signaling. 
  5. Prevents and Treats Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Turmeric removes accumulated plaque and fats in the brain which helps improve oxygen flow to the brain.
  6. Weight Management
    • Turmeric increases the flow of bile which is important in the breakdown of dietary fat. 
    • 1 tsp at every meal can benefit weightloss. 
  7. Healing Wounds
    • Turmeric is a natural disinfectant so it helps heal wounds. 
  8. Helps With Depression
    • Turmeric boosts moods and, according to a recent study, is just as effective in treating depression as prozac. 
  9. Improves Digestion
    • Turmeric’s phytochemicals assist the body’s production of bile which breaks down fatty components of foods. 
  10. Detoxifies The Liver
    • Turmeric detoxes the blood via the enzymes and increases the body’s natural production of these enzymes. 
    • The enzymes break down and reduce the level of toxins in the liver. 

Try Out This Health-Boosting Golden Milk Recipe:


  • 1/4 tsp. ground ginger
  • 2 c. nut milk
  • 2 Tbsp. Honey/stevia
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ground turmeric
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. Warm the nut milk on the stove, medium heat. 
  2. Add the liquid ingredients and stir to dissolve. 
  3. Add the dry ingredients and stir to incorporate. 
  4. Allow to gently heat for 5 minutes, then serve. 




10 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

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Are You Building Healthy Bones?

Whether you’re a teen, middle-aged adult, or senior citizen, it’s critical to have strong, healthy bones. After all, bones represent your supportive structure.
If they become brittle, osteoporosis can set in, resulting in fractures.

Fortunately, there are some simple actions you can take to boost your bone health:

• Exercise each day. Walking, running or other forms of exercise can help you build stronger bones.
Weight-bearing exercise, in particular, is an effective way to protect against osteoporosis.

• Consume more calcium. Leafy green vegetables, Greek yogurt, and salmon are excellent and healthy sources of calcium that can help keep your bones strong.

• Remember your vitamin D. Tuna, egg yolks, and sardines are all excellent sources of vitamin D which also contributes to bone strength. Just 10-15 minutes of safe sun exposure daily also can boost your vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms have been linked to numerous health problems, including heart disease, depression, and even cancer.
Here are 10 signs you’re not getting enough vitamin D:

  1. Depression or anxiety
  2. Bone softening (low bone density) or fractures
  3. Fatigue and generalized weakness
  4. Muscle cramps and weakness
  5. Joint pain (most noticeable in the back and knees)
  6. Blood sugar issues
  7. Low immunity
  8. Low calcium levels in the blood
  9. Mood changes and irritability
  10. Weight gain

Remember, NRT (Nutrition Response Testing) can detect vitamin D deficiencies…
call and make your appointment today if you would like to be tested.
Let’s get you healthy…together!

 Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC
Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors




“To Grill, Or Not To Grill… That Is The Question!”

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Ah, Summer! It’s the perfect time of year to
gather with friends and family for a BBQ by the pool! 

I’ll take a medium-well burger with
a side of carcinogens, please…

Did you know that there are health risks associated with grilling your foods?
The smoky, charred flavor is one we all begin to drool over once it’s springtime, but perhaps we should be taking extra precaution in preparing our flame-broiled foods. It is that smoky flavor and char that could cause a decline in your health. 

When the fat drips down and hits the coals, it creates smoke that contains
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and the charred exterior of meat is
full of Heterocyclic Amines (HAC)- both of which are linked to cancer.

You may be asking, “What is a life worth living without backyard BBQ’s?”
No worries… we’ve got some ideas:

1. MARINATE!! Mmmm…..
2. Par-cook your foods before placing on the grill.
3. Simply cut off the charred pieces of food. 

For the full blog with more information on keeping your BBQ foods safe,
click the link below:


Come to our FREE health seminar on Tuesday, June 4th  to learn
more about how the body works and what it needs to stay healthy!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC
Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors



Stress & Headaches!!

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Stress & Headaches

There are more than 100 different types of headaches,
but three common types that we see often are:

1. Cluster
2. Tension
3. Migraine

Although there is no official classification for stress-induced headaches, stress can be a contributing factor to the onset of headaches and migraines. In fact, emotional stress is one of the most common causes of migraines. Migraine sufferers are generally found to be more emotional and more
highly affected by stressful events. 

During stressful situations, certain chemicals are released in the brain
to combat the situation, also known as the “fight or flight” response.
The release of these chemicals can cause vascular changes
that bring about migraines. 

Repressed emotions surrounding stress, such as anxiety, worry,
excitement, and fatigue, can increase muscle tension, thus dilating the blood vessels. This dilation can cause a migraine to be even more painful!

Stress is also a significant part of tension headaches.
Tension headaches can be either chronic or episodic. 
Episodic tension headaches happen from time-to-time and are
triggered by stressful situations as well as a build-up of stress.
Chronic tension headaches can occur due to daily stress,
such as from a high-pressure job. 

Cluster Headaches are a series of short, yet painful, headaches
that can last for weeks or even months at a time. Although Cluster headaches
may not be directly caused by stress, they could be brought on by
a nutrient deficiency within the body.

When you experience stress your body depletes itself of vitamins,
thus leaving the organs deficient of the nutrients they need to function optimally. This imbalance within the body can be detected using
NRT (Nutrition Response Testing) and treated using whole food,
plant-based supplements.

Come to our FREE health seminar Tuesday, May 7th  

to learn about Headaches/Migraines

and how to prevent them, naturally!

Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Dr. Stacey Delgado, DC

Holistic Alternative Medicine Doctors



What YOUR nails say about YOU?

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Your fingernails reveal much about your health. So much so, nail polish and artificial nails must be removed prior to surgery.

Fingernails protect the nerves at the tips of our fingers with a layer of keratin. This protein forms a protective shield, taking up to three months to grow.

A healthy nail will be smooth and the bed underneath pink. A blue nail bed, or streaks of white or red, could indicate poor circulation, disease, or poor nutrition. If your nails often break or splinter, your nails are telling you something.

While fingernails are a handy indicator of our health, we often subject them to abuse. They swell when they get wet. Then shrink when they dry. This swell-shrink cycle can eventually leave your nails brittle. Not drinking enough water can stress your nails and cuticles too. Wear rubber or vinyl gloves when using water, soap or chemicals.

Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) does allow us see “why” your nails are as they are. Remember, any deviation from the norm could mean non-optimal health for you. 

In good health, 
Dr. Serge & Dr. Stacey 

Are You Getting Enough Of This?

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An important part of a healthy diet is eating enough fiber.

Fiber is the indigestible part of our food. It passes through our bodies without breaking down and being absorbed. Even though it has little nutritional value, fiber is crucial to the digestive process. There are two kinds.

Insoluble fiber – This is the roughage or structural part of plants. Think of it as the “package” that transports the nutritional part of the plant. Obvious examples are celery, popcorn hulls, nuts, apples and fruits with edible skins.

Soluble fiber – This type of fiber forms a gel-like material when dissolved in water. It helps you feel “full” and helps reduce blood sugar spikes. Soluble fiber is found in peas, beans, citrus fruits, carrots, oats, and other grains.

We don’t digest fiber, but it helps move material through our digestive system. Those with constipation or irregular stools may not be getting enough fiber.

If you are experiencing these kinds of bowel movement issues, inform your practitioner at your next appointment. We can help regulate this area and get it working holistically with the rest of your body!

In good health, 
Dr. Serge
Dr. Stacey 

5 Proven Ways To Keep Your Brain Young

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Over 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Another 10,000,000 suffer with severe dementia and Parkinson’s. Even more struggle with age-related mild cognitive impairment. Here are 5 natural ways to defend your brain: 

1. Bacopa Boosts Cognition

Bacopa monnieri (L.) is a traditional herb used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.  It is prescribed as a memory and learning enhancer, a sedative, and anti-epileptic.  In Australia, it is a popular memory aid for people over 60 years old. 

Bacopa grows in the wet tropics and is also commonly known by its English name, water hyssop.

In a rigorous study published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers found that Bacopa has positive effects on several measures of cognitive performance.  In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, they gave participants either 300 mg daily or a placebo pill.  The subjects were 54 volunteers, 65 or older, without clinical signs of dementia.

After 12 weeks, those taking Bacopa improved their delayed recall memory, their reaction times, and their ability to ignore irrelevant information.  Placebo recipients saw no change. 

2. Ginkgo Biloba Improves Memory

For years ginkgo biloba has been linked to memory improvement.  It acts as a free radical scavenger, protecting neurons from oxidation.  It also improves microcirculation in the brain and reduces platelet aggregation. 

Human studies show taking gingko biloba regularly can improve mental health, cognition, motor skills and quality of life. It’s particularly helpful for memory loss, attention, alertness, vigilance, arousal and mental fluidity.

3. Antioxidants Decelerate Brain-Aging

It’s clear that people eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables have fewer age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. Eating more high-antioxidant foods such as berries, Concord grapes, and walnuts may enhance cognitive and motor function in older people.

Studies show supplementing with fruit or vegetable extracts high in antioxidants (e.g. blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, and Concord grape juice) helps decrease the vulnerability to oxidative stress that occurs in aging.  That can lead to improvements in behavior.

4. Intermittent Fasting (IF) Regenerates Brain

Overeating is a risk factor for many age-related diseases including cognitive impairment. 

Experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and stroke show that dietary restriction (reduced calorie intake) can beef up the resistance of neurons in the brain to dysfunction and death. 

How?  Dietary restriction stimulates the expression of ‘stress proteins’ and neurotrophic factors. Neurotrophic factors may protect neurons by increasing production of proteins that suppress oxidation and free radicals. 

In addition, dietary restriction increases the number of newly-generated neural cells in the adult brain.  In other words, it may increase the brain’s capacity for plasticity and self-repair.

Researchers suggest that limiting calories may reduce both the incidence and severity of neurodegenerative disorders in humans.

Intermittent fasting is not as difficult as it sounds.  It doesn’t involve just drinking water.  Most intermittent fasting plans cut calories to 25% of normal amounts.  That’s about 600 calories for men and 500 calories for women on one or two days of the week. 

5. Sleep Cleans Out Brain Toxins

A University of Oregon study shows middle-aged or older people who get six to nine hours of sleep a night think better than those sleeping either fewer or more hours.

Researchers used data involving more than 30,000 subjects in six countries. They found that individuals sleeping less than six hours and more than nine hours had significantly lower cognitive scores compared to those in the intermediate group. 

The researchers used five standard cognitive tests involving immediate recall of a list of words, delayed recall of those words later, forward and backward recall of long lists of numbers, and a verbal fluency test in which they listed as many animals as possible without repetition, the use of proper nouns or descriptors.

One reason a good night’s sleep works is the brain’s trash removal system.  During sleep the brain works 10 times as hard to remove toxic proteins like the ones responsible for Alzheimer’s damage. If you’re not asleep, the brain can’t get rid of plaques so easily.   

There are many other natural ways to keep your brain young including coconut oil, ginger, B-vitamins, and saffron. Remember, drugs have shown little promise and serious side effects, but here are five proven methods to keep your brain young and sharp.

In good health, 
Drs. Serge & Stacey 

Acid Reflux Drugs Threaten Your Health in 7 Ways

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Ulcers hurt! That burning, gnawing pain will make you want to reach for your ulcer meds fast, but…wait a minute. Not so fast. Those drugs may be causing some really serious problems.

About one in ten of us know the pain of an ulcer all too well. As a result, ulcer medications have become some of the top selling drugs in the world. The very popular class of anti-ulcer drugs known as proton pump inhibitors PPIs include bests sellers like Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid. These drugs are also commonly used to treat acid reflux syndrome, but here are seven reasons you may not want to let those drugs anywhere near your stomach.

1. They Increase Your Risk of Dementia

Incredibly, trying to cure your ulcer may increase your risk of dementia.People who take PPIs have a 44% increased risk of dementia. Another class of ulcer drugs, the histamine-2 receptor antagonists, like Pepcid, Zantac and Tagamet, have also been linked to a 242% increase in the risk of cognitive impairment.

2. They Increase Your Risk of Heart Attack

Taking PPIs increases your risk of heart attack by 16% and doubles your risk of dying of a heart attack.

3. They Increase Your Risk of Osteoporosis

PPIs interfere with calcium absorption. Taking them for seven or more years is associated with a 92% increase in the risk of osteoporosisrelated fractures. After five years, there is a 62% increased risk specifically of hip fractures. Postmenopausal women who used PPIs for only two years have a 35% greater risk of hip fracture. When the researchers added this study to ten others in a meta-analysis, they found a 30% increased risk of hip fracture with PPI use. A just published study again found that using PPIs for only two and a half years is a predictive factor for low bone density.

4. They Increase Your Risk of Kidney Disease

Taking PPIs increase your risk of chronic kidney disease by 45% and of progression to end-stage kidney disease. A recent study found an 18% increase in risk for chronic kidney disease that climbed to 92% when people were on a high dose. Other studies have found a significant 230% increase in the risk of acute kidney injury in  people with rheumatoid arthritis who were taking PPIs, and a 52% increase in risk of chronic kidney disease in diabetics who take PPIs.

5. They Increase Your Risk of Pneumonia

Taking PPIs increases your risk of getting pneumonia. A meta-analysis of nine studies found an increased risk of between 17% and 50%, depending on how high the dose is

6. They Increase Your Risk of Dysbiosis

Taking PPIs can wreak havoc on your microbiome: they can disturb the healthy balance of microorganisms in your intestine. A study of how diet and drugs affect the intestinal biome concluded that, among the many drugs that negatively affect your microbiome, PPIs have an especially strong negative impact. A second study corroborated that PPIs causes significant gut dysbiosis.

7. They Increase Your Risk of Cancer

Using PPIs can even increase your risk of cancer. People who use PPIs on a long term maintenance basis have an increased risk of oesophageal cancer. Long term maintenance doses of PPIs are also associated with an increase in gastric cancer. The increased risk of gastric cancer is especially high in users who are under forty. A second study found that use of PPIs among people who had eradicated H. pylori infection with clarithromycin-based triple therapy have a significant 244% increased risk of gastric cancer. The risk grows greater the longer you are on the PPIs.

These seven (7) reasons are just the tip of the iceberg on why to go natural in treating your gastro issues. Reach out to us…we want to help get you the results you are desiring. 

In good health,  

Dr. Serge and Dr. Stacey 

Planting Seeds to Grow Healthy Kids

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Children making glasses with their fingers

Just as planting a garden requires fertile soil, quality seeds, plenty of sunshine and water, planting seeds to grow healthy kids requires specific actions.

With a dizzying amount of advice dispensed over the Internet, through the TV and by well-meaning friends and family members, it’s not always easy to know what advice to follow. Consider the following for growing healthy kids — naturally, of course!

Make Smart Dietary Decisions

From frozen foods filled with chemical ingredients to fast food dietary disasters, it’s not always easy fueling kids with healthy edibles. 

As childhood obesity is a growing problem, opt for water versus juice. Flavor it with lemons (a natural detoxifier). Try infusing your water with in-season organic vegetables like cucumbers or organic frozen fruit like blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries with fresh slices of organic oranges. 

The Sleep Your Child Needs

The amount of sleep your child needs varies depending on age. Too little sleep can affect mood, school performance, and overall health. Chronic sleep deprivation may even result in depression. It’s a good idea to set a regular bedtime routine for your child. These can include bath time and story reading.

Encourage older kids to turn off electronics well in advance of bedtime and read instead. Those high-tech gizmos and gadgets, from notebooks to smart phones, can wreak havoc on your teen’s sleep. Think of all those EMFs… Many studies link the use of electronics to later bedtimes and less shut-eye.

Why Exercise Is Essential

Though high-tech temptations abound, sidelining kids from outdoor activity, regular, brisk exercise helps kids to have healthier bodies and minds, too. Exercise also helps children get better sleep and fight stress easier. Though participation in a team sport is a great way for kids to get regular exercise, they can also get fit by walking the family dog, playing an outdoor game, or even taking a bike ride.

Boost Health Naturally

Just as your kids brush their teeth to enjoy better oral health and a brighter smile, regular nutritional care may help your child enjoy better health. Why? Because kids who have a healthier nervous system that’s free from interference may also benefit from a stronger immune system.

If your child(ren) are not already patients, call today to schedule their initial consultation. It’s never too early to get a good start on leading a nutritionally valued life!!

In good health, 
Dr. Serge and Dr. Stacey 

Mold and EMF Concerning Connection

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We seem to be in the middle of a mold epidemic. While Houston and other locales have always been humid, we humans and molds used to get along better. The number of people with body toxicity from mold is almost overwhelming. Brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, rashes, autoimmune disease, secondary infection, and neuropathy are common symptoms.

Why is this? It’s most likely the result of EMF exposure in the environment. Living cells are affected by electrical dirty energy. Cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, cell phones, smart meters, and the like pervade practically every inch of planet earth. With 5G coming, it will be even worse.

An interesting experiment was done which took a portion of a common toxic mold and put it in a room. The mold was divided into two portions. One was open to the usual Wi-Fi and the other was protected by a Faraday cage which blocked the EMF exposure. After 30 days the amount of toxin production was compared between the exposed and unexposed mold. In the exposed mold the output was 600 times higher of mold toxins, and the toxins were much more virulent. Molds make toxins when “attacked.” They were reacting to the EMF because they were stressed.

So now we have this problem to deal with. We humans do better without Wi-Fi as a constant barrage. So do molds. 

What to do next?

  1. Get all of the leaks in your house sealed up. Molds grow where there is water.
  2. Keep the humidity in your house below 54 degrees. Molds need humidity to thrive.
  3. If you have any of the above symptoms of mold, come to us for an evaluation. We can do an NRT test on you and even test the air that you are living in. 

In good health, 
Dr. Serge and Dr. Stacey 

Surprising Bacteria That Detoxifies Harmful Chemicals

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Did you know that probiotic bacteria are capable of helping you detoxify the most noxious chemicals known to humankind? 

You’ve probably heard the buzz already about the many health benefits of probiotics,a word which literally translates to: pro- “for” + biotics “life” — FOR LIFE, butdid you know that these remarkable microorganisms, which outnumber our bodily cells by some estimates up to 10 to 1, and contribute over 99% of our body’s total generi also break down highly toxic manmade chemicals which your body is either incapable, or only partially capable, of defending itself from?

Learn about some of the amazing ways in which ‘good bacteria’ help to detoxify chemicals within our body:

  • Bisphenol A:  This ubiquitous toxicant — linked to over 40 diseases — found in anything from thermal printed receiptspapermoney, canned food liners, dental composites, and of course plastics, is a powerful endocrine disruptor now found in everyone’s bodies. Remarkably, two common probiotic strains, Bafidiobacteriumbreve and Lactobacilluscasei, have been found in animal research to help the body detoxify it by reducing the intestinal absorption of bisphenol A through facilitating increased excretion. The animals receiving probiotic treatment were found to have 2.4 times higher excretion of Bisphenol A in their feces, suggesting probiotic supplementation could be of significant benefit to humans as well.
  • Pesticides: Probiotic strains from the traditional Korean fermented cabbage dish known as kimchi have been identified to degrade a variety of organophosphorous pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, diazinon, methylparathion, and parathion. These nifty organisms actually use these exceedingly hard to break down chemicals as sources of carbon and phosphorous – ‘food’! – and were found to break down the pesticide 83.3% after 3 days and degraded it completely by day 9. While this test tube study likely does not reflect exactly what happens in our gut when we ingest both chlorpyrifos and Kimchi, it is provocative, and may indicate there is some protective effects in the gut, and certainly cabbage tainted with organophosphorous pesticide which is subsequently fermented as an ingredient in Kimchi would certainly reduce the burden of this chemical in the diet.
  • Heavy Metals: Lactobacillusbacteria found in food have been looked at as a potential adjunct agent for reducing metal toxicity in humans. According to one study, “This is because they have resistance mechanisms which are effective in preventing damage to their cells and they can bind and sequester heavy metals to their cell surfaces, thus removing them through subsequent defecation.” The study differentiates between detoxification and detoxication, the former of which is described as “the ability to remove drugs, mutagens, and other harmful agents from the body,” and the latter of which is the mechanism through which ‘good bacteria’ prevent “of damaging compounds into the body.” Because there is a large body of research on probiotics preventing and/or healing up intestinal permeability, this may be another way in which toxic stomach contents are preventing from doing harm to the body as a whole.
  • Cancerous Food Preservatives: Another kimchi study found it contained a strain of bacteria capable of breaking down sodium nitrate, a naturally and artificially occurring chemical (used from anything to rocket fuel and gunpowder) linked to a variety of chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer. The study found a depletion of sodium nitrate by up to 90.0% after 5 days. Sodium nitrate becomes toxic when it is converted in food products, and even our intestines via microbiota, to N-nitrosodimethylamine. A recent study found that four lactobacillus strains where capable of breaking this toxic byproduct down by up to 50%. 
  • Perchlorate – Perchlorate is an ingredient in jet fuel and fireworks that widely contaminates the environment and our food. Sadly, even organic food has been found with concentrations of high levels of this toxicant, making it exceedingly difficult to avoid exposure. It is now found in disturbing concentrations in breast milk and urine, and is a well-known endocrine disrupter capable of blocking the iodine receptor in the thyroid, resulting in hypothyroidism and concomitant neurological dysfunction.  A recent study found that the beneficial bacterial strain known as Bifidobacterium Bifidum is capable of degrading perchlorate, and that breast fed infants appear to have lower levels than infant formula fed babies due to the breast milk bacteria’s ability to degrade perchlorate through the perchlorate reductase pathway.
  • Heterocylic Amines: Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCA) are compounds formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures of 150-300 degrees C, and are extremely mutagenic (damage the DNA). Lactobacillus strains have been identified that significantly reduce the genotoxicity of theses compounds.
  • Toxic Foods: While not normally considered a ‘toxin,’ wheat contains a series of proteins that we do not have the genomic capability to produce enzymes to degrade. When these undigested proteins – and there are over 23,000 that have been identified in the wheat proteome – enter into the blood, they can wreak havoc on our health. Recent research has found that our body has dozens of strains of bacteria that are capable of breaking down glutinous proteins and therefore reduce its antigenicity and toxicity.

While the role of probiotics in degrading gluten proteins sounds great, a word of caution is in order. Since modern wheat is not a biologically compatible food for our species– having been introduced only recently in biological time, and having been hybridized to contain far more protein that our ancient ancestors were ever exposed to – it would be best to remove it entirely from the diet. Also,theaforementionedresearchshowing bacteria in the human gut are capable of breaking some of these wheat proteins revealed that some of the species that were capable of doing this for us are intrinsically pathogenic, e.g. Clostidium botulinum and Klebsiella. So, relying on the help of bacteria to do the job of digesting a ‘food’ we are not capable of utilizing on our own, is a double-edged sword. Again, the best move is to remove it entirely from the diet as a precuationary step.

What Probiotic Should I Take?

While plenty of probiotic pills and liquids exist on the market, and many of which have significant health benefits, it is important to choose one that is either shelf stable, or has been refrigerated from the place of manufacture all the way to the place you are purchasing it from. Moreover, many probiotics are centrifugally extracted or filtered, leaving the nourishing food medium within which it was cultured behind. This is a problem in two ways: 1)  without sustenance, the probiotics are in ‘suspended animation’ and may either die or not properly ‘root’ into your gastrointestinal tract when you take them.  2) the ‘food matrix’ within probiotics are grown provides a protective medium of essential co-factors that help them survive the difficult journey down your gastointestinal tract.

With that said, another option is to consume a traditionally fermented, living probiotic food like sauerkraut,kimchi, or yogurt (focusing on non-cow’s milk varieties, unless you are lucky enough to find a source that has the beta-casein A2 producing cows). There is always goat’s milk which is relatively hypoallergenic.

Finally, the reality is that the probiotics in our bodies and in cultured foods ultimately derive from the soil, where an unimaginably vast reservoir of “good bacteria” reside – assuming your soil is natural and not saturated with petrochemical inputs and other environmental toxicants. And really fresh, organically produced – preferably biodynamically grown – raw food is an excellent way to continually replenish your probiotic stores.

Food is always going to be the best way to support your health, probiotic health included.

In good health, 
Dr. Serge and Dr. Stacey 

Motivated To Lose But Can’t…Here’s Why!

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This time of the year several people have a motivation to get back in shape and specifically to lose weight. Today, we wanted to relay our experiences with people who are having a very hard time losing weight.

We always see at least 2 components in these cases:

1. The diet has to be looked at very carefully. Any type of food can slow down weight loss and stop it completely. We have seen people have issues with crackers, apples, bananas, cucumbers, nuts, etc. In other words, the body was sensitive to these foods, and the body couldn’t lose weight. Therefore, the diet is the primary component we need to look at very carefully.

2. The second factor that underlies stubborn weight issue is what we call “obesogenic” molecules. These are another word for toxins. These toxins are hormonal disruptors meaning they lead to a hormonal imbalance that makes it hard to lose weight. Different glands like the thyroid and the adrenals are being affected, and it will take time to rebalance everything out to normal function. The good news is…there is hope and Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) can definitively help with this situation.

Yours in health,

Dr. Serge & Dr. Stacey 

Mold exposure is the new pandemic: Do something about it before it gets worse!

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Mold is a type of fungus that grows moist areas. Bathrooms and basements are typically the places where we would see mold growth. But any moist areas in the home can be moldy if there are water leaks and the conditions are ideal for mold growth such as drywall, ceiling tiles, carpets, furniture, ductwork, roofing, paneling, wallpaper and under sinks. Mold growth may also be hidden underneath carpeting, on the back side of wallpaper, and behind drywall or wall paneling. Mold spores from the outdoor air can easily enter the home through open doors, windows, vents and any other open areas of the house. Mold can have many different colors (including brown, green, and black) and sometimes appears as spots and a musty odor may be present or not.

The extensive flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina created conditions ideal for rapid indoor mold growth, raising major concerns about adverse health effects associated with indoor mold exposure. Studies evaluating the levels of indoor and outdoor molds in the months following the hurricanes found alarmingly high levels of mold growth. Homes with indoor flooding, demonstrated higher levels of mold growth compared with homes with no flooding. Water intrusion due to roof damage is also associated with mold growth. A significant increase in mold associated diseases were reported. As a matter of fact, the “Katrina cough” has been used and described as upper respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and sinus headaches) in the population affected by the hurricane in New Orleans.

The hurricane Harvey brought more than 19 trillion gallons of water over Houston and its surroundings. Now that this is over, people are facing the hard reality of losing their house and belongings. They are in the process of rebuilding their houses. Unfortunately, because of this, people work in mediocre environment. Indeed, those houses are highly contaminated with mold. In fact, it takes about 2 days after such a flood for the house to be moldy.

In the last couple of weeks…

Have you ripped out soggy, damp carpet in your house? Or…
Have you pulled out drywall because of excessive water? Or…
Have you forgotten to wear a mold respirator each time when working on a flooded house?

You may have been exposed to mold. This circumstance can lead to health issues, because the illness affects multiple systems in the body, which in turn, causes the patient to exhibit multiple symptoms. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you could be suffering from mold illness, such as fatigue, weakness, aches, muscle Cramps, unusual pain, headache, light sensitivity, red eyes, blurred vision,  sinus problems, cough,  shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, joint pain, morning stiffness, memory issues, focus/concentration issues, confusion, disorientation, skin sensitivity, mood swings, sweats (especially night sweats), temperature regulation or dysregulation problems, numbness, tingling, vertigo, metallic taste, tremors or long term chronic issues (e.g. autoimmune conditions).

If you are in this situation, it is not too late, you can do something about it.
As a member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, we can assist you on this journey of recovery. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) is an international organization of physicians and scientists interested in the complex relationships between the environment and health. For forty years the Academy has trained Physicians to treat the most difficult, complex patients who are often left behind by our medical system, because their illness, rather than stemming from traditionally understood factors, is related to underlying environmental causes, including (bio)chemical or radiation exposures.

Headaches afflict people of all ages

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Whether they’re moderately uncomfortable or throbbing like a jackhammer, headaches afflict people of all ages. According to theWorld Health Organization (WHO), close to 50% of adultsworldwide have experienced a headache within the last year. Missed work and school days often result when the pounding pain prevents sufferers from attending to their daily tasks.

As the most common type of a headache, tension headaches can result from stress, anxiety or tight muscles in your shoulders or neck. Other common types include migraines, sinus headaches, and cluster headaches.

Though prescription or over-the-counter medications can provide pain relief, they don’t address the cause of the pain. Those looking for a natural alternative may find relief through personalized nutritional program.

If you’re seeking relief from headaches, give our practice a call.

How To Always Eat Healthy Even When You’re Short On Time

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A gluten-free diet makes a great way to reduce inflammation, improve gut function, lose weight and improve your mood and energy. But this only happens when you eat real, whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, clean animal foods, whole gluten-free grains and beans. Here are my steps to eating healthy, even when you don’t have a lot of time.

1. Make a list. Take some time one day every week to sit down and to plan a few simple meals that you can make quickly. Make a shopping list and head to the grocery store to purchase all the ingredients for those recipes in advance. Keeping a list and sticking to it saves time and money and keeps unhealthy food from “landing” in your shopping cart. Stock up on plenty of nuts, seeds and other healthy snacks to keep energy levels and blood sugar levels balanced. Another helpful hint: never go to the grocery store hungry!

2. Develop a repertoire of a few cheap, easy-to-prepare meals. Have the ingredients available at home at all times so you don’t get stuck eating food that doesn’t make you feel well or help you create the health you want. This takes a bit of advanced planning but is well worth it. You can find recipes on my blog.

3. Go frozen. Frozen vegetables (preferably organic) become a real time saver and last longer, especially if you already have some in your freezer and can avoid the need for last-minute grocery store stops. Ditto for frozen grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon and organic berries. Shopping at warehouse stores can become a real time- and money-saver. Just buy the very best quality you can find. If you have the freezer space, you can take advantage of sales and coupons and stock up for weeks or even months with these essentials.

4. Choose pre-prepped. If chopping doesn’t fit your tight agenda, choose fresh pre-washed organic leafy greens – like spinach, kale, arugula and Romaine lettuce. Pre-cut produce is also available at many markets, which drastically reduces kitchen work. They might be a bit more expensive, but if you’re short on time and space, they’re worth it.

5. Don’t be afraid of canned foods. Carefully chosen canned and jarred foods, such as vegetable or chicken stocks, sardines, wild Alaskan salmon, artichokes and roasted red peppers make it easy to toss together last-minute meals. Always choose lower-sodium versions and read labels carefully to be sure that gluten, dairy, sugars and other unwanted ingredients aren’t inadvertently sneaking into your diet. If choosing canned food, opt for BPA-free cans whenever possible.

6. At the very least – go healthy. Even when you do your best, you’ll have days where everything falls apart and even throwing together a simple salad topped with pre-cooked wild salmon becomes impossible. Because you prepared, you’ll have nuts, seeds and other healthy snacks to steady blood sugar levels so you’re not ravenous by dinner. Many grocery stores now have hot bars with healthy selections. Stopping by Whole Foods Market on your way home for a rotisserie chicken along with sautéed pre-cooked vegetables makes a simple “fast food” meal without the sugar and damaging fat found in drive-thru foods. Always do the best you can under the circumstances rather than aim for perfection.

Eating well doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. In the morning, when I’m rushing out the door, I usually have a shake with greens, almond milk, nuts and seeds, and maybe some berries. For lunch, I eat a big, fat salad with arugula, avocado, nuts and seeds, a can of wild salmon, and some tomatoes. All of this is pre-washed to save me on time. For dinner, I’ll make a simple piece of protein with some veggies on the side. Don’t let the food industry trick you into convenience meals. With these strategies, you’ll be ready to make a healthy meal anytime, anywhere.


Detecting Nutritional Deficiencies

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Detecting Nutritional Deficiencies: All Hidden Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies

A healthy diet can provide all a growing body needs, but the reality of our busy lifestyles and sometimes finicky eating habits can lead to vitamin deficiency. Knowing what to look for is part of the battle. In this article we’ll try to help you detect nutritional deficiencies. Also note that symptoms are actually better indicators of nutritional deficiency than signs (In medicine a sign is objective while a symptom is subjective).



  • Cold hands: magnesium deficiency, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue with low cardiac output



  • White spots: mineral deficiency but often low zinc
  • Ridges: zinc deficiency
  • Soft or brittle nails: magnesium deficiency
  • Bitten nails: general mineral deficiency




  • Stretch marks: zinc deficiency
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis: vitamin A deficiency 
  • Spontaneous bleeds: vitamins C or K or platelet deficiency
  • Dry scaly skin with hair follicles plugged with coiled distorted hairs and a red halo: vitamin C deficiency
  • Yellow palms: excessive beta carotene intake
  • Pimply rough skin at the back of the upper arms “chicken skin”: essential fatty acid deficiency



  • Pale fissure tongue: iron deficiency
  • Sore painful fissure tongue: vitamin B3 deficiency
  • Sore burning tongue and lips and peeling of lips: vitamin B2 deficiency
  • Swollen tongue with lateral teeth indentations: food intolerance
  • Painful sore tongue with a smooth appearance: folic acid deficiency
  • Cracked lips: vitamin B2 deficiency, thrush


Skin on face

  • Greasy red scaly skin of face and sides of nose: vitamin B2 deficiency
  • Seborrheic dermatitis around nose and an acne like forehead rash: vitamin B6 deficiency



  • Cataracts: chromium deficiency or excess free radicals
  • Bags or dark rings under eyes: allergies or food intolerance
  • Blue eyes and blond hair are often found in hyperactive male children: zinc magnesium, B6 and essential fatty acids deficiencies
  • Blue eyes and premature grey hair – vitamin B12 deficiency: a feature of pernicious anemia



  • Thyroid swelling: iodine deficiency, hypothyroidism 



  • Any problem with the heart, including irregular beat, high blood pressure, cardiomegaly: magnesium and Co-Q-10 deficiencies and sensitivity to caffeine.



  • Tender calf muscles: magnesium deficiency
  • Brisk knee reflexes: magnesium deficiency
  • The following problems can suggest particular deficiencies or allergies:
  • Nasal polyps: salicylate sensitivity


4 Things You Desperately Need to Know Before Buying a Himalayan Salt Lamp.

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Himalayan salt lamps are made from pink Himalayan salt, and while they can light up your surroundings, that’s not why most people purchase them. They are definitely beautiful to look at, but they do a lot more than provide a nice glow. They’re said to decrease pollutants in the air along with negative ions and “electrosmog,” caused by all of those electronic gadgets, and even help reduce symptoms in those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other illnesses.

Authentic Himalayan salt lamps are hand carved from solid blocks of Himalayan salt that come from deep underground mines in Pakistan on the western edge of the Himalayan Mountain Range. They range in color from light pink to pink-orange, thanks to the concentration of minerals within them. The block of salt is hollowed out at the center and a light bulb is placed in it, which emits heat as well as light.

The reason that it offers a number of therapeutic benefits is because salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water molecules. That water vapor can also carry common air pollutants that are found indoors, such as bacteria, allergens, and mold. When these vapors come in contact with the salt lamp, the pollutants are said to stay trapped within the salt block. The salt dries out due to the heat, and can then continue its cycle of attracting water vapor and pollutants. It releases the water vapor back into the air while keeping the harmful pollutants inside.

Himalayan salt lamps are in high demand and for good reason, but it’s not all great news. In this article, we reveal four things you desperately need to consider before purchasing a Himalayan salt lamp.

  1. Himalayan salt lamps have a wide range of physical and mental health benefits

They purify and deodorize the air. The primary purpose of a Himalayan salt lamp is to purify the air. It also helps to remove unwanted odors. In addition to getting rid of common toxins like mold, bacteria, and allergens, it can eliminate ozone, the main component of air pollution that can make its way into indoor living space from outdoors. By removing these toxins, it can improve your health and well-being by giving you healthier, cleaner air to breathe. The lamp can make a significant difference in allergy symptoms too as it removes those microscopic particles of pet dander and dust.

Himalayan salt lamps balance positive and negative ions. In our modern world, we’re surrounded by electromagnetic radiation through unhealthy positive ions. Your smartphone, laptop, and television are just a few things that emit them. While you can’t see it, over the long term it can cause problems like a weaker immune system, increased stress, and fatigue. Experts say that chronic exposure to even low levels of this radiation could lead to a number of different cancers, heart disease, impaired immunity and may even contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

This is where a Himalayan salt lamp can help – they emit negative ions in small amounts to counteract the positive ions. By neutralizing this electromagnetic radiation, it’s believed to help decrease its negative health effects and it could also reduce airborne infections.

Salt lamps boost energy levels. When you’re out in nature, taking a walk along the beach or through the woods, you’re getting lots of healthy negative ions which provides a boost of energy. The same thing is said to happen when you’re around the negative ions produced by a Himalayan lamp.

Himalayan salt lamps ease anxiety and promote better sleep. A Himalayan salt lamp adds an attractive warm glow to a room and makes it a more calm, pleasant place to be. In addition to its beauty, the negative ions it gives off is said to help reduce anxiety while creating a more relaxing atmosphere to promote better sleep, which is why many people keep a salt lamp in their bedroom.

According to WebMD, when negative ions enter the bloodstream, they’re said to produce a biochemical reaction that boosts the “feel-good hormone,” serotonin, which is known to relieve stress and boost one’s mood. While these lamps offer lots of great benefits, they aren’t without their downsides. There are some potential problems that you should know about too.

  1. Some Himalayan salt lamps are downright DANGEROUS

The United States Product Safety Commission has reported that Himalayan salt lamps could pose a hazard, though it’s specific to the Lumiere brand sold at Michaels between July and November of 2016. These lamps were recalled, and in the recall, notice it stated: “the dimmer switch and/or outlet plug can overheat and ignite, posing shock and fire.” It should be noted that Michaels sold these at a very cheap price –  as low as $15, which is a big clue that they were not genuine. A genuine Himalayan salt lamp should cost double or triple that. Remember, you get what you pay for, and cheap does not always equal good. It should also be noted that other salt lamp manufacturers and suppliers have taken notice of this product recall and it means safety across the board has been improved.

  1. Himalayan salt lamps require proper care and maintenance

Just like most things, a Himalayan salt lamp requires proper care in order to retain its full operational quality. It should not be placed in a very damp room or outside due to its hygroscopic properties, and it should be dried as soon as possible if it gets wet. To keep it dry if you live in an extremely humid area, you’ll need to keep it on continuously. Cleaning it is important too – if it’s left idle and not switched on for a while, dust and dirt can build up. Remove that buildup by using a moist, but not too damp dishcloth and then let it dry by turning it on or placing it in direct sunlight.

  1. Some Himalayan salt lamps are fake

Due to the increase in demand for Himalayan salt lamps, there’s also been an increase in cheaply manufactured counterfeits, which makes it a must to look for an authentic, high-quality lamp.

Some of the red flags to watch out for include:

It’s cheap. As we mentioned, cheap does not always equal good. If it’s a large lamp and under $20, it’s likely to be a fake. Smaller lamps can sometimes be under $20. Himalayan salt comes from just one region in the world, which makes it harder to come by, and therefore, it costs more.

It’s really heavy and provides a ton of light. If an authentic Himalayan salt lamp weighs more than 20 pounds, it will be unable to emit light uniformly. That means if the lamp weighs more than that and can light up your entire room, it’s probably made from something other than real Himalayan salt.

It doesn’t sweat. The salt in the lamp will absorb moisture around it, which it’s supposed to do, and that causes it to shrink. You can test it by rubbing it gently with a damp cloth. The part of the cloth you used should have noticeable discoloration and the lamp should look like it’s “sweating.” If that doesn’t happen, it isn’t authentic.

You’re not getting any benefits. While all of your life’s problems won’t be solved with a Himalayan salt lamp, you should notice a difference within a couple of weeks after using it in your home, such as improved energy levels, decreased allergy symptoms, less stress and better sleep. If you don’t notice any difference after a few weeks, it’s probably fake.

It’s worth paying a little more to get a quality Himalayan salt lamp – otherwise, you could be throwing your hard-earned money away. By ensuring its authentic, and properly caring for it, it can last forever, allowing you to enjoy its many benefits.

Once you’ve made the decision to invest in a Himalayan salt lamp you want to make sure the salt lamp you buy is real, safe and provides the promised benefits.

Can Artificial Sweetener cause Alzheimer’s and Strokes?

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First, let me break down what the researchers did in the recent study demonstrating a remarkably increased risk for stroke, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, in relation to the consumption of artificially- sweetened beverages, and learned. The stroke portion of the study evaluated 2,888 adults (age 45+), while the dementia arm focused on 1,484 adults (age 60+). The researchers reviewed food frequency questionnaires for the years 1991 to 2001 and determined how often the participants consumed artificially-sweetened beverages.

The report reveals that the risk of stroke in those consuming one or more artificially sweetened sodas a day was almost tripled, with a similar finding for Alzheimer’s risk. These are breathtaking findings because clearly, when it comes to stroke as well as Alzheimer’s disease, modern medicine has precious little to offer patients.

The reason these findings should not come as a surprise is because both stroke and Alzheimer’s disease share a similar mechanism in terms of their cause. Both of these issues are primarily inflammatory disorders. As I have discussed earlier, research indicates that the changes induced in the gut bacteria in humans when they are exposed to artificial sweeteners creates a much more inflammatory environment. This explains, for example, why there’s a dramatically increased risk for both obesity as well as diabetes (both are inflammatory disorders) in relation to consumption of these artificial sweeteners. And both of these diseases are powerfully related to both stroke and Alzheimer’s in and of themselves. The authors stated:

Artificial sweeteners have been shown to cause glucose intolerance in mice by altering gut microbiota and are associated with dysbiosis and glucose intolerance in humans.

So, let’s be clear: there’s no advantage to drinking sugar-free, low- or no-calorie this or that, despite what the advertisements and commercials might lead you to believe.

Always be kind to your gut microbes!

9 Startling Nutrient Deficiencies That Cause Depression

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An unhealthy diet affects not just your physical but mental health as well. As an organ that accounts for 25% of our metabolic demands, the brain needs constant nourishment that can’t be met with junk food. So consuming specific nutrient-rich foods help get better results in reducing the risk of depression. What we eat and drink directly affects the structure of the brain that, in turn, influences the brain’s function. This includes both the synthesis and function of neurotransmitters as well as the presence or absence of inflammation. Most psychiatrists fail to appreciate the role of nutrition in mental health.

How Important Is Feeding Your Brain?

Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinepherine are the three neurotransmitters that concern mental health. The building blocks for these guys are amino acids derived from protein; a nutrient that most of us easily get in adequate amounts (except for homeless, elderly, and those with addiction, for example). Vitamins and minerals are critical in the synthesis and function of the neurotransmitters. For a steady neurotransmitter production and function, we need optimal amounts of nutrients on a daily basis. A lack of such a diet results in and aggravates mood disorders like depression.


9 Nutrients Important For Mental Health

  1. Omega-3 Fats

The omega-3 fat DHA is critical for brain cell (neuron) structure. If your diet doesn’t have enough of it, other fats will take its place, such as trans fat, which spells trouble. Trans fat increases inflammation, which in turn increases the risk of depression. The other main omega-3 fat EPA helps with neuron function and also reduces inflammation, which is why research supports the role of omega-3 fats in reducing the symptoms of depression (and other mood disorders).


  1. Iodine

This can be thought of as the new vitamin D. Iodine is critical for a healthy thyroid, the master of metabolism (i.e., cellular fitness). Most of us don’t get enough of iodine as it has largely been removed from our food supply. The average iodine intake has reduced from about 800 mcg per day to 138–350 mcg per day. While the average intake can stave off an overt deficiency, it likely won’t be enough for optimal functioning of physiological processes. If you go for supplements, opt a good-quality one that provides at least an RDA of 150 mcg.


  1. Zinc

This is a tireless ally involved in over 250 separate biochemical pathways, or reactions, that support just about every function. It is critical for neurotransmitter production and function. Zinc is also needed for healthy digestion and a strong immune system, most of which is found in the digestive tract. A healthy digestive tract equals optimal mental health since 90% of serotonin and 50% of dopamine is produced in the small intestines.


  1. Magnesium

Like zinc, magnesium is required for over 300 separate biochemical pathways, or reactions, needed for healthy bones and teeth, reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of diabetes to name a few. Most of us only get about half of the recommended magnesium amount. Magnesium helps activate the enzymes needed for serotonin, dopamine, and norepinepherine production. The supplements can help people meet their minimum daily requirement on a consistent basis, thus helping reduce depression by avoiding magnesium deficiency.


  1. Vitamin D

Most people don’t get enough of this vitamin. The brain loves vitamin D and has loads of vitamin D receptors just waiting for their payload. Vitamin D deficiency has not only been linked to depression but anxiety, SAD, and dementia as well. Supplementation is the only viable option to raise vitamin D levels enough to lower the risk of depression


  1. Selenium

Like iodine, selenium is needed for good thyroid function. Often, just increasing selenium intake can improve early symptoms of low thyroid function. A healthy thyroid supports mental health including reducing the risk for depression. Selenium helps convert the inactive thyroid hormone T4 to the active form T3. It also helps make the master antioxidant and detoxifying compound glutathione. Increasing glutathione levels has been shown to reduce depression, likely because glutathione reduces inflammation in the brain.


  1. Iron

Iron deficiency is more common in women than in men due to losses via menstruation. The most common form of anemia is iron deficiency and its symptoms are similar to depression: fatigue, irritability, apathy, brain fog, and lack of motivation and appetite. Such a broad range of symptoms can lead to a misdiagnosis and aggravate any existing legitimate depression symptoms. Eating foods rich in vitamin C along with iron-rich foods helps to increase the absorption of iron. For women, a multivitamin with minerals typically provides 8–12 mg of iron. Men should choose a multi that is iron-free.


  1. B Complex

This typically includes about 11 B vitamins, all of which are involved in neurotransmitter production and function. Some, like B12, are needed to help maintain brain mass, a.k.a. prevent brain shrinkage—a cause of dementia. Depression is a classic B12 deficiency symptom. Other B vitamins important for mental health include B1, B6, B3, and folate. Folate, along with B12 and B6, helps to lower the levels of homocysteine, a by-product of protein metabolism. Elevated levels of homocysteine increase the risk of depression. For dietary folate to be effective, it needs to be converted to its active form 5-MTHR; however, about 66% of the population don’t do this effectively because they have a mutation in the gene [5-MTHF reductase] that metabolizes folate into 5-MTHF, putting them at a 180% increased risk of folate deficiency.


  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency usually causes conditions like scurvy and bleeding, swollen, and achy gums all of which resolve within a week after the initiation of vitamin C supplements. But one of the more common symptoms of vitamin C deficiency is depression. Nearly 20% percentage of the population can be functionally vitamin C deficient not only because of their diet but also because they have a gene mutation that doesn’t allow them to absorb and metabolize the vitamin properly. This puts them at a 150% increased risk of vitamin C deficiency.


In a nutshell, food feeds the brain. Optimal mental health cannot be realized if the underlying biology of mood regulation and the structure and function of the brain isn’t addressed. Feeding your brain and enhancing an optimal sense of well-being is as close as your grocery store!

How to Spot Dangerous Chemicals in Dish Soap & Find Something Better.

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If you ever tried reading the label on your dish soap you might feel like you’re reading a foreign language, since many ingredients are listed by their chemical name. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about the common ingredients in dish soap which are linked to cancer, asthma, neurological problems, skin irritation and other health problems.

Most people wash dishes at least once a day and may not realize the toxic mix they are absorbing through their skin. When toxins are absorbed through the skin, they bypass your liver and enter the bloodstream and tissues directly –with no filtering. Which is why your choice of dish soap and any products that come in contact with your skin are so important.

Commonly Found Chemicals in Dish Soap

Some of the basic ingredients in dish soap include surfactants, preservatives, fragrance, color as well as active or inactive ingredients.

This is by no means a complete list of chemicals or their side effects.

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS): SLS is a detergent and a surfactant used to break down surface tension allowing the shampoo to become a more effective cleanser. SLS is also linked to Nitrosamines a potent carcinogen that causes your body to absorb nitrates, another known carcinogen. Over 40,000 studies in PubMed science library include information on the toxicity of this chemical.

Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES): SLES is a concern as it can become contaminated with Dioxane. Whether or not Dioxane is present is dependent upon the manufacturing process. Dioxane is a suspected carcinogen. Because the liver has a difficult time metabolizing this effectively, it remains in the body for an extended period of time.

Propylene Glycol: Although this ingredient is used in anti-freeze for your car radiator, you can also find it in dish soap, moisturizers, hand sanitizers, baby products, conditioners and shampoos. MSDS sheets warn users to avoid skin contact, yet it remains in many cosmetics. It is linked to liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

Methylisothiazolinone: According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep site, this widely used preservative is associated with allergic reactions and lab studies on brain cells of mammals suggest that it may also be neurotoxic. Methylisothiazolinone can be very irritating. For this reason, it is mostly used in rinse-off products. The concentrations in leave-on products are restricted to a minimal amount to lessen the risk of a negative reaction.

Fragrance: Artificial fragrances can contain hundreds, even thousands of chemicals, including phthalates. Since fragrances are protected as a trade secret, the full ingredients do not have to be listed on the label. Fragrances are a major cause of allergic reactions.

Phthalates are manmade chemicals used in a variety of products such as personal care products, food packaging, plastic medical devices, jar lids and plastic tubes. Phthalates can negatively affect estrogen and testosterone levels.

Triclosan: Triclosan was introduced to the marketplace in 1972, although it was originally developed and registered as a pesticide in 1969. Triclosan is a commonly found antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal ingredient in numerous products such as soaps, toothpastes, cosmetics, deodorants, first aid products, kitchen ware, clothing, office and school products, air filters, anti-microbial sponges, paints and coolers.

Manufacturers of a number of triclosan-containing toothpaste and soap products claim that the active ingredient continues to work for as long as 12 hours after use. Thus, consumers are exposed to triclosan for much longer than the time it takes to wash their dishes or brush their teeth.

How Does Dawn’s Dish Detergent Rate?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested 165 liquid dish detergents. Only 11.6% were rated A or B. The remaining 88.4% rated from C to F.

EWG also tested 42 varieties of Dawn liquid dish soap. All of them were rated from C to F.

Here is the rating of the 42 varieties tested:

C rating -9 varieties

D rating- 29 varieties

F rating- 4 varieties

What is EWG’s rating system?

On a scale from A to F

Lowest Concern- Grade A– Few/no known or suspected hazards to health or the environment

Low Concern-Grade B- Limited potential for hazards to health or the environment

Moderate Concern-Grade C– Some potential for hazards to health or the environment

High Concern-Grade D Likely hazards to health or the environment

Highest Concern-Grade F– Potentially significant hazards to health or the environment

Is Palmolive Brand Safe?

Like Dawn dish detergent, Palmolive is a widely popular household cleaning item so it’s worth shedding some light on. In comparison to the above chemicals in dish soap, Palmolive products contain all of them except for triclosan. The FDA actually banned triclosan from soaps in fall of 2016, though it is still free to remain in some toothpastes.

Chemicals in Palmolive Dish Soap

As you sift through the Palmolive roster, many other chemicals pop up. Here are a couple that may cause adverse effects:

  • Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate may cause skin irritation
  • Sodium Xylene Sulfonate can, in an industrial setting, irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract


There are other chemicals in Palmolive dish soap including Sodium bisulfite (product stabilizer), Poloxamer 124 (controls thickness), Lauramidropropyl betaine (cleaning and foaming agent), and Pentasodium pentetate (product stabilizer) which show little or no signs of being harmful to humans or the environment. But with synthetic chemical-laden products, there is always cause for concern.

While this laundry list of chemicals is nothing to be joyous about, there are some not-so-bad things in their ingredient list. For example, Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) has a low-to-moderate hazardous risk and has been shown to cause irritation. But Palmolive only uses it in one soap.

Instead, they regularly use Ammonium Lauryl (and Laureth) Sulfate which is a significantly larger molecule than SLS. Due to its ALS’s size, it is near impossible for it to penetrate your skin’s outer layers.

It’s encouraging to see positive shifts in mainstream brands like Palmolive, but there’s definitely a lot of work to be done to make cleaner, safer products.

How Do I Find Safe Dish Soap?

  1. Research the company you are buying products from. Go to company websites, look up their mission statement. Check out their product lines. Are they using synthetic ingredients or organic? Do they offer 3rd party testing and certification of their products?
  1. Learn to read labels. This can be a challenge, since many ingredients are listed by a chemical name. Two great resources to help you get started are EWG’s Skin Deep data base and Ruth Winter’s book: A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, both offer a wealth of information.
  2. Understand that certain terms can be ambiguous. There is no federal regulation for the word natural. So just because something states it is natural it doesn’t mean it is safe. Let’s be clear, the Food and Drug Administration does not define what it means for a product to be labeled “organic” or “natural” or “hypoallergenic”. The processing of a natural product can involve the addition of chemicals to break it down to a useable formula.
  1. Remember, natural and organic are not the same. Natural can mean the product was derived from a natural source, while the term organic means that the plant was grown without the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides, however just because some organic products were used, doesn’t mean the entire product is organic.
  2. Look for organic ingredients. According to the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation), products with at least 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase “made with organic ingredients” on their label. Products with less than 70% organic ingredients must list those items on the label, and can’t have a USDA organic label on their product.
  1. Does the organic products have ‘3rd party certification? ’USDA organic certification means that 95% of the ingredients are organic. NSF certification means that 70% organic ingredients were used.
  2. Consider making your own dish soap. You can choose the ingredients you know and trust. Doing an online search for homemade liquid dish soaps will provide a lengthy list of options.


Becoming a label reader is important if you truly want to know what is in the product you are buying. Dishwashing detergents are no exception to that rule, you may think that this benign product would not contain ingredients that pose a hazard to your health and you would be mistaken.

Whether you are health or environmentally conscious, knowing what’s in your dish soap can alleviate any potential concerns and provide insight to any health problems you may be experiencing.

It’s not all about gloom and doom, it is about being educated about what is in the products you use, how it can impact your health and making a conscious choice.

If your hands and feet are always cold it could be a warning.

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You may not realize it, but your body contains a super highway.

It’s the system of arteries and veins that carry blood to all your organs and tissues. It carries waste away too. When your circulation system is working well, all your cells get the nutrients and oxygen that they need and the system functions properly. But when the process slows down or gets blocked, problems can develop.


In case it’s been awhile since your last biology class: The circulatory system is made up the heart, the lungs and the arteries. It’s intricate to say the least. In fact, if you laid all your arteries, veins and capillaries end to end they would wrap around the Earth twice!


So, Circulation can be affected by a lot of different conditions.

Problems like:

  • Arteriosclerosis: this deadly condition blocks the arteries. It can cause heart attack or stroke.
  • High blood pressure: also known as hypertension, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure.
  • Peripheral arterial disease: this is a narrowing or blockage of an artery or arteries.
  • Chronic venous insufficiency: this prevents blood from flowing properly to superficial veins in our lower extremities.

5 Warning Signs That You Have Poor Circulation

  1. Leg and foot ulcers. These ulcers look like a rash. They don’t heal.
  2. Puffy hands and feet. This is caused by slow blood flow. The kidneys try to reduce the load on the body and the result is swelling.
  3. Fingers and toes that look blue or are always cold. This happens because your veins are not carrying enough oxygen to the furthest points of the body from the heart and lungs.
  4. Constipation. When there is less blood flowing through your body, everything slows down.
  5. Exhaustion. The blood and oxygen that flow through your body are carrying fuel that your cells need. When it is not getting there, you are more likely to get out of breath and get tired more easily.


Here are 4 things you can do to get your blood flowing better:


  • Exercise – The more you move, the more blood will pump through your body. Start with gentle exercises and work your way up as you start feeling better.
  • Massage – Massage will send blood to the parts of your body that are being worked on. Once the blood starts flowing to an area, circulation can improve.
  • Improve your nutrition – Adding healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins can help resolve blockages in your arteries. Avoid trans fats and foods that are high in sugar and salt.
  • Ginkgo biloba – This herbal remedy has been shown to improve circulation by opening blood vessels and making blood less sticky.


Bad circulation can be caused by many things, including aging, being overweight, and lack of exercise. If you have any of these five warning signs try changing your diet and exercising first, then if your symptoms don’t change it’s best to make an appointment with your doctor for a checkup.

5 Ways to Get More Sleep When Traveling Long Distances

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With it being summer time, that means vacation! Vacation means traveling and random hotel rooms and sometimes it is hard to get a good nights rest because it just doesn’t feel like your bed at home. If you are a business traveler that travels long distances regularly then you know how tough it can be to get the kind of restful and restorative sleep that you need when you’re dealing with the demands of traveling. Jet lag, changing time zones, multiple plane changes, airport delays, hotel delays, sleeping in unfamiliar places and so on can really wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. So how can you get the kind of recuperative sleep that you need when you’re traveling? Here are 5 tips to help you get some sleep when you’re traveling long distances:


  1. Pack earplugs – One of the biggest annoyances that can keep you from sleeping on the plane or in your hotel room is noise. People speaking, background noises, or any kind of unfamiliar noise can keep you awake or keep you from reaching the deepest stage of sleep that you need in order to feel really refreshed.  Get the foam kind that expand in your ear, you can get them at any drugstore, and they won’t block out all noise but they will block out a lot of background noise.


  1. Have your own blanket – When you’re traveling long distances you’ll probably be exposed to different temperatures depending on where you are.  One way that you can deal with changing temperatures is to have your own blanket with you in case you get cold. A Pashmina cashmere shawl is a great accessory to bring with you when you’re traveling long distances because it’s light, it won’t wrinkle even if you wad it up in your pocket or bag, and it’s made of luxurious warm, soft cashmere fibers. A standard shawl is about 30 inches by 80 inches so it’s the perfect size to double as a blanket on the plane or on a train.


  1. Watch your diet – Even though you will be tempted to go for the fried and fatty foods after a long trip loading up on carbs and fried food will only make it harder for you to sleep.  Eat as many fresh vegetables and healthy food as you can and it will help your body stay on track.


  1. Get some exercise – After being stuck on a plane for hours or waiting in airports for delayed flights going out to get some exercise is probably the last thing on your mind but exercising can really help you sleep more soundly when you’re traveling long distances.  Most hotels have gym facilities where you can walk on a treadmill or use an exercise bike, or you can just walk around the airport for half an hour or so while you’re waiting for your flight.


  1. Bring familiar items with you – Do you have a small pillow that you always sleep with, or a particular book that you always read before bed, or a special photo that you keep by your bed? Maybe your bed linens at home have a particular fragrance from the laundry soap that you use or a bed linen spray. If there is something like a book, a photo, or a particular scent that you associate with sleep then bring that with you when you’re traveling. Having something familiar that you associate with bedtime and sleep and the comfort of home will help you sleep no matter where you are.


So whether you are traveling for business or just pure fun vacation, your body still needs its rest. Keep in mind these simple tips to make sure you are 100% while you travel.

The Melatonin Effect: Could Nighttime Light Cause Female Cancers?

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Are you routinely awake at night with the lights on? Your health might be more at risk. For one, studies on almost two hundred thousand night-shift workers showed increased risk of coronary heart disease among women. Other studies show correlations between night-shift work and higher rates of metabolic syndrome, inflammation, obesity, and depression/anxiety. Beyond these worrisome health risks, two diseases particular to women are associated with working at night: breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

If there’s one disease that women worry about, it’s breast cancer. The awareness is largely due to research fundraising organization Race for the Cure, which branded breast cancer awareness with the now-renowned pink ribbon logo. Other women’s reproductive-organ cancers are becoming better known, such as ovarian cancer. Despite the awareness, do women know about the relationship between nighttime lighting and higher rates of these cancers? Popular medical advice sites such as the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, the American Cancer Society, and Web MD do not mention nighttime darkness as a natural preventative measure. Rather, they focus on physical activity and nutrition; the darkness effect remains in the dark.


The Melatonin Connection

The research on a night-shift worker’s elevated risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer implicates low levels of the hormone melatonin; peak levels are released during darkness. If you are awake between 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., especially under bright lighting, your body suppresses melatonin release. As a result, melatonin’s normal influences on the body are diminished.


A study on Danish military women explains it this way:

Night work can disrupt circadian rhythms, suppress production of the pineal hormone melatonin and result in sleep deprivation, all of which affect hundreds of metabolic and physiological processes, including hormone production, cell cycling and apoptosis, which in turn may increase the initiation, progression and growth of human tumors, including breast cancer.


Who Is at Risk?        

Many professions require nighttime shifts. Whether you’re working in a hospital, on a red-eye flight, policing the streets, or working online from home, your job necessitates you being awake during darkness. The studies equated higher rates of breast and ovarian cancers with at least three night shifts per week. However, we are unsure about how far-reaching this issue might be, especially since more people stay up late these days, “hanging out” in the Internet. The jury is still out on whether a regular night owl is as affected by low melatonin as much as the night-shift nurse. Therefore, to be better safe than sorry, it behooves any woman who’s awake at night with the lights on to try to combat decreased melatonin by raising its levels alternatively.


How to Raise Melatonin Levels


Here are three ways to elevate melatonin levels for women with overexposure to nighttime lighting.

Replace some daylight hours with darkness. Create a darkened atmosphere to counterbalance the hours of light in order to provide “night time” for your body. For example, draw heavy black curtains in your bedroom during sleep hours. This allows night-shift workers to move their personal darkness hours to a different time of day, releasing peak melatonin levels in kind.

Take melatonin supplements. I recommend 0.3-5mg of melatonin four hours before going to bed. This tiny dose of melatonin will cause levels to spike in your body and then decline. Your body will recognize the decline so your pineal gland will start to make more melatonin, which will allow you to sleep more soundly when you go to bed several hours later.

Practice daytime mini-savasana. Savasana (pronounced ShavAH-suhna) is the last pose of a yoga session. It is dubbed the “corpse” pose because you lie still and flat on your back, focusing only on your breath. As a result, savasana allows for restoration and rejuvenation after a yoga workout. Savasana is also correlated with (you guessed it) higher melatonin levels and, therefore, helps you sleep. But you don’t have to wait for yoga class or bedtime to do savasana, rather, you can integrate it into your day to increase overall melatonin levels. Check out this video of a mini-savasana.

While it’s still unclear whether any woman who routinely lacks nighttime darkness is at higher risk of breast or ovarian cancer, by following the above tips, you’ll be able to counterbalance nighttime lighting’s effect on the hormone melatonin, enabling you to reduce your risk for cancers and other health issues. It may all come down to having a good night’s sleep.

Fatty Pancreas and the Development of Type 2 Diabetes

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The English friar and philosopher William of Ockham (1287-1347) is credited with developing the fundamental problem solving principle known as lex parsimoniae or Occam’s Razor. This principle holds that the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is most often right. The simplest explanation is usually the most correct.

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” With that in mind, let’s remember that type 2 diabetes reflects two fundamental problems:

  1. Insulin resistance
  2. Beta cell dysfunction

Insulin resistance, an overflow phenomenon, is caused by fatty infiltration of the liver and muscle. Without dietary intervention, defect #2 virtually always follows #1, albeit by many years. Also, #2 is almost never found without #1. Yet somehow, we are asked to believe that the mechanism behind insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction are completely and utterly unrelated? Occam’s razor suggests that both defects must be caused by the same underlying mechanism.


Searching for the mechanism

Hyperinsulinemia stimulates de novo lipogenesis transforming excess dietary carbohydrate into new fat. The liver packages and exports this new fat as VLDL making it widely available for other organs. The new fat deposits in skeletal muscles takes up much of this fat, as do the fat cells in and around the abdominal organs leading to the central obesity that is an important component of metabolic syndrome.

As fat begins to deposit within the organs, specifically the liver and muscles, insulin resistance develops, gradually leading to rising blood glucose. In response, the body secretes even more insulin to bring the renegade blood glucose back down. The extra insulin ‘overcomes’ the rising insulin resistance, but sets up a vicious cycle. To relieve fatty congestion in the liver, it is exported out. Some ends up in the muscle and some around the organs to create central obesity. Recent research has revealed that the pancreas also becomes heavily infiltrated with fat and this plays a pivotal role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

The relationship between pancreatic weight and total body weight was first noted in 1920. In 1933, researchers first discovered that pancreases from obese cadavers contained almost double the fat of lean cadavers. By the 1960s, advances in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allowed non-invasive measurement of pancreatic fat and firmly established the connection between fatty pancreas, obesity, high triglycerides and insulin resistance. Virtually all patients with fatty pancreas also had fatty liver.

Most importantly, fatty pancreas is clearly associated with increasing degrees of diabetes. Type 2 diabetic patients have more pancreatic fat than non-diabetics. The more fat found in the pancreas, the less insulin is secreted. Pancreatic and hepatic fat content is much higher in diabetics even if they are of equal age and weight. Simply put, the presence of fatty pancreas and fatty liver is the difference between an obese diabetic patient and an obese non-diabetic one.

Bariatric surgery can normalize pancreatic fat content accompanied by restoration of normal insulin secreting ability. Despite weighing an average of 100 kg, patients successfully reversed type 2 diabetes within weeks of surgery. By comparison, obese non-diabetic patients that had pancreatic fat was normal to start and unchanged despite similar levels of weight loss. The excess pancreatic fat is only found in type 2 diabetics and is not related to the weight loss of surgery.

The insulin secreting beta cells of the pancreas were clearly not ‘burnt out’. They were merely clogged with fat! They merely needed a good cleaning out. What is shocking is that it only took the removal of 0.6 grams of pancreatic fat to reverse type 2 diabetes. In addition to fatty pancreas, type 2 diabetic patients differ from non-diabetics by the presence of fatty liver. Eight weeks after bariatric surgery, this liver fat had decreased to normal levels accompanied by normalization of insulin resistance.

The COUNTERPOINT study established these same benefits using a very low calorie (600 calories/day) diet. Over the eight-week study period, pancreatic fat content slowly decreased associated with restoration of insulin secretory ability.

The difference between having type 2 diabetes or not is not simply the total weight of a person. Instead, fatty liver drives insulin resistance, and fatty pancreas drives the beta cell dysfunction. These are the twin cycles of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Insulin resistance caused by fatty liver, fatty skeletal muscle
  2. Beta cell dysfunction caused by fatty pancreas

The two fundamental defects of type 2 diabetes were not caused by two completely different mechanisms. They are one and the same. Both are problems related to fat deposits within organs, ultimately relating back to hyperinsulinemia.


The twin cycles

The natural history of type 2 diabetes mirrors the development of the twin cycles. Insulin resistance develops long before the high blood sugar clinches the diagnosis. The Whitehall II study plotted the trajectory of blood glucose in the years prior to the clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance emerges almost fourteen years prior to type 2 diabetes. The mounting insulin resistance produces the long slow rise in blood glucose. The compensatory hyperinsulinemia prevents the rapid rise in blood glucose. For over a decade, blood glucose stays relatively normal.

Underneath the surface of normality, the body is trapped in a vicious cycle, the first of the twin cycles – the hepatic cycle. Excessive carbohydrates intake provokes excessive insulin secretion, leading to de novo lipogenesis. The vicious cycle has begun. High insulin generates fatty liver, which increases insulin resistance. In turn, this increases insulin, which only perpetuates the cycle. This dance goes on for more than a decade gradually worsening each time we go around.

The pancreatic cycle

Approximately three years before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, blood glucose takes a sudden sharp upswing. This heralds the beginning of the second of the twin cycles – the pancreatic cycle.

The liver decompresses its growing fat stores by exporting it as VLDL transferring this newly created fat to other organs including the pancreas. As the pancreas becomes clogged with fat, it is unable to secrete insulin normally. Insulin levels, previously high to offset the high blood glucose, begin to fall.

The loss of this compensation results in a rapid rise in blood glucose and ultimately, the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Glucose spills over into the urine causing the symptoms of frequent urination and thirst. Even though insulin drops, it stays maximally stimulated by the high blood sugars.

The hepatic (insulin resistance) cycle and the pancreatic (beta cell dysfunction) cycle together form the twin vicious cycles responsible for the development of type 2 diabetes. But they have the same underlying mechanism. Excessive insulin drives fatty organ infiltration. The underlying cause of the entire cascade of type 2 diabetes is hyperinsulinemia. Simply put, type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by too much insulin.

7 Signs Your Body May Need More Vitamin D

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Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common in the US, but many Americans mistakenly believe they aren’t at risk because they consume vitamin-D-fortified foods (such as milk). There are very few foods that actually have therapeutic levels of vitamin D naturally and even fortified foods do not contain enough vitamin D to support your health needs. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a regular vitamin. It’s actually a steroid hormone that you are designed to obtain primarily through sun exposure, not via your diet.
Just How Widespread Is Vitamin D Deficiency?
Before the year 2000, very few doctors ever considered the possibility that you might be vitamin D deficient. But as the technology to measure vitamin D became inexpensive and widely available, more and more studies were done, and it became increasingly clear that vitamin D deficiency was absolutely rampant. For example, according to one of the leading vitamin D researchers, Dr. Michael Holick:
-The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 32 percent of children and adults throughout the US were vitamin D deficient — and this is grossly underestimated as they used vitamin D levels that were not consistent with optimal health.
-The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 50 percent of children aged one to five years, and 70 percent of children between the ages of six and 11, are deficient or insufficient in vitamin D
-Researchers such as Dr. Holick estimate that 50 percent of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency
Researchers have also noted that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in adults of all ages who always wear sun protection (which blocks vitamin D production) or limit their outdoor activities. People with increased skin pigmentation (such as those whose ancestors are from Africa, the Middle East, or India) are also at risk, as are the elderly. It’s estimated that over 95 percent of US senior citizens may be deficient in vitamin D, not only because they tend to spend a lot of time indoors but also because they produce less in response to sun exposure (a person over the age of 70 produces about 30 percent less vitamin D than a younger person with the same sun exposure).

7 Signs You May Be Vitamin D Deficient
The only way to know for sure if you’re vitamin D deficient is via blood testing. However, there are some signs and symptoms to be aware of as well. If any of the following apply to you, you should get your vitamin D levels tested sooner rather than later.

1. You Have Darker Skin
African Americans are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, because if you have dark skin, you may need as much as 10 times more sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin! As Dr. Holick explained, your skin pigment acts as a natural sunscreen, so the more pigment you have, the more time you’ll need to spend in the sun to make adequate amounts of vitamin D.

2. You Feel “Blue”
Serotonin, the brain hormone associated with mood elevation, rises with exposure to bright light and falls with decreased sun exposure. In 2006, scientists evaluated the effects of vitamin D on the mental health of 80 elderly patients and found those with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 11 times more prone to be depressed than those who received healthy doses.

3. You’re 50 or Older
As mentioned, as you get older your skin doesn’t make as much vitamin D in response to sun exposure. At the same time, your kidneys become less efficient at converting vitamin D into the form used by your body and older adults tend to spend more time indoors (i.e. getting even less sun exposure and therefore vitamin D).

4. You’re Overweight or Obese (or Have a Higher Muscle Mass)
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin, which means body fat acts as a “sink” by collecting it. If you’re overweight or obese, you’re therefore likely going to need more vitamin D than a slimmer person — and the same holds true for people with higher body weights due to muscle mass.

5. Your Bones Ache
According to Dr. Holick, many who see their doctor for aches and pains, especially in combination with fatigue, end up being misdiagnosed as having fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
“Many of these symptoms are classic signs of vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia, which is different from the vitamin D deficiency that causes osteoporosis in adults,” he says. “What’s happening is that the vitamin D deficiency causes a defect in putting calcium into the collagen matrix into your skeleton. As a result, you have throbbing, aching bone pain.”

6. Head Sweating
According to Dr. Holick, one of the first, classic signs of vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head. In fact, physicians used to ask new mothers about head sweating in their newborns for this very reason. Excessive sweating in newborns due to neuromuscular irritability is still described as a common, early symptom of vitamin D deficiency.

7. You Have Gut Trouble
Remember, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means if you have a gastrointestinal condition that affects your ability to absorb fat, you may have lower absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D as well. This includes gut conditions like Crohn’s, celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Optimizing Your Vitamin D Levels May Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, and More
Researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year. Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half. As mentioned by Dr. Holick, one of the Nurses’ Health Studies showed that nurses who had the highest blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, averaging about 50 ng/ml, reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 50 percent. Similarly, a Canadian study done by Dr. Knight showed that women who reported having the most sun exposure as a teenager and young adult had almost a 70 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Dr. Holick noted: “Studies have shown that if you improve your vitamin D status, it reduces risk of colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and a whole host of other deadly cancers by 30 to 50 percent. You’re correct. Cancer is a big deal. You need to realize that vitamin D is playing a very important role in helping to maintain cell growth and to help fight cancer when a cancer cell is developing in your body.”

Vitamin D also fights infections, including colds and the flu, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses. In this interview above, Dr. Holick expounds on these and many other health benefits of vitamin D. For instance, optimizing your vitamin D levels can help protect against:
-Cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D is very important for reducing hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. According to Dr. Holick, one study showed that vitamin D deficiency increased the risk of heart attack by 50 percent. What’s worse, if you have a heart attack and you’re vitamin D deficient, your risk of dying from that heart attack creeps up to nearly 100 percent!

-Autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is a potent immune modulator, making it very important for the prevention of autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease.

-Infections, including influenza. It also helps you fight infections of all kinds. A study done in Japan, for example, showed that schoolchildren taking 1,200 units of vitamin D per day during winter reduced their risk of getting influenza A infection by about 40 percent. I believe it’s far more prudent, safer, less expensive, and most importantly, far more effective to optimize your vitamin D levels than to get vaccinated against the flu.

-DNA repair and metabolic processes. One of Dr. Holick’s studies showed that healthy volunteers taking 2,000 IUs of vitamin D per day for a few months up-regulated 291 different genes that control up to 80 different metabolic processes, from improving DNA repair to having effect on autoxidation (oxidation that occurs in the presence of oxygen and/or UV radiation, which has implications for aging and cancer, for example), boosting your immune system and many other biological processes.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need for Optimal Health?
When it comes to vitamin D, you don’t want to be in the “average” or “normal” range, you want to be in the “optimal” range. The reason for this is that as the years have gone by, researchers have progressively moved that range upward. At present, based on the evaluation of healthy populations that get plenty of natural sun exposure, the optimal range for general health appears to be somewhere between 50 and 70 ng/ml. As for how to optimize your vitamin D levels, I firmly believe that appropriate sun exposure is the best way. In fact, I personally have not taken a vitamin D supplement for three or four years, yet my levels are in the 70 ng/ml range.

Generally speaking, this will be when your skin turns the lightest shade of pink or, as Dr. Holick recommends, about half of the time you suspect it would take you to get a mild sunburn (So if you know you tend to get sunburned after 30 minutes, you’d want to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes).
If you can’t get enough sunshine for whatever reason, then a safe tanning bed would be your next best option. Most tanning equipment uses magnetic ballasts to generate light. These magnetic ballasts are well-known sources of EMFs that can contribute to cancer. If you hear a loud buzzing noise while in a tanning bed, it has a magnetic ballast system. I strongly recommend you avoid these types of beds and restrict your use of tanning beds to those that use electronic ballasts.

If your circumstances don’t allow you to access the sun or a safe tanning bed, then you really only have one option if you want to raise your vitamin D, and that is to take a vitamin D supplement. As a general guideline, research by GrassrootsHealth suggests that adults need about 8,000 IUs per day to achieve a serum level of 40 ng/ml. If you do opt for a vitamin D supplement, please remember that you also need to boost your intake of vitamin K2 through food and/or a supplement. If you’re getting your vitamin D from the sun, this is not as critical, although you’d be wise to make sure you’re getting sufficient amounts of vitamin K2 from your diet either way.

Have You Heard of Cell Rejuvenation Therapy?

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Every organ of the body possesses a small pool of cells that, when properly stimulated, can help to revitalize the organ. What is we can use this concept to recharge your body and slow down the aging process and maybe even reverse the aging of the organs? This principle is the basis of the new nutritional science called Organotherapy. Organotherapy is based on the idea and understanding that organs respond to tissues that have a similarity to the same tissues in the human body, no matter what their species of origin. This is called tissue memory.

Organotherapy shares some similarities with endocrinology. Whereas the field of endocrinology administers exogenous substances to replace those from a dysfunctional gland or organ, Organotherapy aims to restore the function of the gland or organ so it can once again function properly and produce the proper substances requited for health. Take hypothyroidism, a thyroid deficiency cause when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, for example. In Organotherapy, a thyroid hormone extract is used to stimulate and restore thyroid balance. Organotherapy is used to repair the organs, and should be used in the first process of healing.


Organotherapy in its simplest explanation, it to repair the human organs so that they function properly, and it is based on two fundamental laws:

  1. Identical organs: When a diseased organ is present, an identical healthy organ extract with corrected information is administered to rectify the organ.
  2. Organ medicine is used to strengthen organs, glands, and tissues weakened by toxins.


Organotherapy is suggested to stimulate organ functions, depending of the tissues, while other substances may help to prevent antibodies from being formed against the organs. The idea is that organs can recognize the healthy cells and start reproducing once inside the liver or pancreas.


Benefits of Organotherapy

Clinical experience has shown that Organotherapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues, and that the benefits include:

  • Stimulates sluggish organs, glands, or tissues activity
  • Balances organs, glands, or tissue activity
  • Slows down accelerated organs, glands, or tissues activity
  • Can restore the function of any glands or organs


Different forms of Organotherapy exist. In our case, we use a line of products that target specific pools of cells that has the ability to regenerate the organ and give its vitality and youth back.

Early Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar (and How to Reverse it Naturally)

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The American Diabetes Association had estimated that around 86 million Americans suffer from pre-diabetes. Furthermore, in case you don’t make certain lifestyle and dietary changes, this condition can greatly increase your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, high blood sugar or diabetes is developed in case the body is not able to use glucose adequately. This type of diabetes is known as diabetes type-2. Also, in case the body has insufficient glucose amounts, the person can develop diabetes known as diabetes type-1. Unluckily, if you don’t treat this condition properly, it could result in permanent damage to nerves, eyes, blood vessels, and kidneys. However, diabetes is a preventable condition. In other words, by following a healthy and balanced diet and exercising regularly you can prevent the development of this life-threatening condition.
The following factors can contribute to elevated blood sugar levels in diabetics:

  • Over-treating a low blood sugar episode
  • Not taking a dose or taking a wrong dose of diabetes drugs
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive stress levels
  • A common cold
  • Dehydration
  • Eating a heavy meal
  • Specific drugs, such as steroids
Keep in mind that if you experience higher blood sugar levels, it does not have to indicate you suffer from diabetes. Remember that high blood sugar is just a symptom of this terrible condition.
Some diabetes sufferers may not experience any symptoms.
But, in most cases, diabetics experience the following symptoms:
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Frequent urge to urinate throughout the night
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Constant hunger
  • Extra abdominal fat
  • Slow process of healing of wounds and cuts
  • Stomach issues
  • Recurrent infections
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Itchy and dry skin
  • Nerve issues
  • Impotence
By Introducing These Foods in Your Diet You Can Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels:
The Glycemic Index or also referred to as GI shows the amount of carbs in foods that raise blood sugar levels. Moreover, GI varies from 0 to 100.
In fact, by consuming low-GI foods, you can lower your blood sugar levels as well as help in weight loss.
– Low GI foods
Consider including these foods in your everyday diet:
  • 1 cup of broccoli – 10
  • 1 cup of walnuts – 15
  • 1 egg – 0
  • 1 cup of hummus equals – 6
  • 1 yellow onion (mid-sized) – 10
  • 1 cup of cherries – 22
  • 1 cup of yogurt – 23
  • 1 cup of cashew nuts – 22
  • 1 cup of kidney beans – 31
  • 1 Turkey sausage – 28
  • 8 oz of tomato juice – 38
  • 1 cup of butter beans – 34
  • 1 grapefruit (large) – 50
  • 1 cup of green grapes – 46
  • 1 apple (mid-sized) – 38
  • 8 oz of pineapple juice – 46
  • 1 cup of peas – 54
  • 1 banana (large)  – 52
  • 1 orange (mid-sized) – 48
  • 1 carrot (large) – 47
– Moderate GI foods
These foods should be eaten only in moderation:
  • 1 cup of white rice – 64
  • 1 tbsp of raw honey – 55
  • 1 cup of oatmeal – 58
  • 1 cup of brown rice – 55
– High GI foods
Exclude these foods from your diet because if consumed on a regular basis, they can lead to many serious health issues:
  • 2 cups of popcorn – 72
  • 1 serving of corn flakes – 92
  • 1 rice cake – 78
  • 1 slice of white bread – 70
  • 1 baked potato (mid-sized)  – 85
  • 1 glazed doughnut  – 76
  • 50g of glucose – 100

The Bottom Line is that your daily diet significantly affects your overall health and well-being. It also affects the sugar levels in your blood. Hence, in case you notice any of these diabetes symptoms, consider making the above mentioned dietary changes. Also, keep your blood sugar levels in normal range in order to prevent any other serious health problems.

Do you know…

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Do you know the most common restaurants that use the most antibiotics in their meat?

A recent new study ranked the 25 largest US fast food and restaurant chains based on their practices when it comes to antibiotics in their food (1). An estimate of 80% of the antibiotics sold in the United States are used by the industries of meat and poultry. Strangely enough, the majority is used on healthy animals to promote growth and prevent disease in crowded, unsanitary, and inhuman conditions brought by the industry. As we could have suspected, the overuse of antibiotics in food has resulted in a dangerous antibiotic resistance which has become a major health threat. Indeed, an increasing number of bacterial strains are resistant to every antibiotic that medical doctors use. The CDC estimates that at least two million Americans contract antibiotic-resistant infections every year. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated that the overuse of antibiotics in animals can make bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter stronger and resistant to drugs that were previously able to get rid of them.

Consequently, several health government agencies have recently declared antibiotic resistance a top health threat in the United States, and the widespread use of antibiotics in healthy livestock production is a major causative factor.

These are the restaurant that rated F, meaning their meats contain the most antibiotics:

  1. KFC
  2. Dunkin’ Donuts
  3. Sonic
  4. Olive Garden
  5. Denny’s
  6. Starbucks
  7. Jack in The Box
  8. Burger King
  9. Applebees
  10. Domino’s Pizza
  11. Chilli’s
  12. Little Caesars
  13. Buffalo Wild Wings
  14. Dairy Queen
  15. Arby’s
  16. IHOP

Only two restaurants were given an A rating this year. These two are the only restaurant chains that offer an array of meat options produced without the routine use of antibiotics: Panera Bread or Chipotle

As of Fall 2016, 91% of all meat and poultry served at Panera Bread is raised without antibiotics.

For the second year in a row, Panera Bread and Chipotle Mexican Grill were the only two chains to score an A grade.

Avoiding FAKE Olive Oil:

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Avoid These 14 Fake Olive Oil Companies

About 70% of olive oil in the USA markets is fake, cut with cheap bad oils like sunflower, soybean, and canola. Olive oil is supposed to be healthy, but now this item can potentially cause health problems.

In 2008, more than 400 Italian police officers were involved in the breakdown of a black market of olive oils, an operation known as Golden Oil. This meant seizure for 85 oil farms that mixed some percentage chlorophyll with sunflower and canola to the olive oil. The oil was mixed, colored, perfumed and flavored too. Authentic, pure olive oil is pricey to produce. Thus, those people will dilute it with cheaper ingredients in order to increase their profit margin.

This scam made the California University study 124 imported oils and found that over 70% of samples failed the tests.

These failed:

  • Mezzetta
  • Carapelli
  • Pompeian
  • Primadonna
  • Mazola
  • Sasso
  • Colavita
  • Star
  • Antica Badia
  • Whole Foods
  • Safeway
  • Felippo Berio
  • Coricelli
  • Bertolli

These brands passed:

  • Corto olive.
  • Lucero
  • McEvoy Ranch Organic
  • Omaggio
  • California Olive Branch
  • Bariani Olive oil
  • Lucini
  • Ottavio
  • Olea Estates
  • Cobram Estate
  • Kirkland Organic

Like The Health Ranger Mike said: “The truth in all this is that olive oil is supposed to BITE your tongue with a strong, pungent, rich flavor that wakes up your senses and makes you go, “WOW!” If it doesn’t do that, it’s not “intact” olive oil.”

Also, test the olive oil yourself at home. Put the bottle out when cold, or in the fridge for 30 min. if it gets solid, it is pure and has monounsaturated fats. But if it stays liquid is fake and just in case, see the label approvals like Australian Extra Virgin Certified or the other one, California Olive Oil Council Certified Extra Virgin.

In other words, the olive oil you’re buying at the store probably started out as legitimate olive oil, but due to high heat processing, oxidation, exposure to light and cutting with inferior oils, what you end up getting is nothing like the original oil that was squeezed out of the olives.

Tai Chi for a Change

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If you seem to never be able to get a good night’s rest and you are always tired, you may need to just add a little exercise to your routine.  Recent studies have shown that practicing the ancient Chinese marital art of Tai Chi can actually improve your quality of sleep.

In a recent study performed by UCLA researchers looked at a group of 112 older adults who were all in good health but had trouble sleeping and were always tired.  The participants were divides into two different groups, half were taught 20 moves in that ancient art of Tai Chi while the other half took classes about sleep habits, diet, and stress management.  The study revealed that the group of participants who were performing the very simple moves of Tai Chi no longer complained that they were always tired and showed marked improvement in the quality and frequency of their sleep.  Not only were they not always tired, but the regular day time problems such as the drowsiness and fogginess you get with always being tired improved as well.

The great benefits of using Tai Chi to help you get the rest that your body needs is a safe and natural method that does not have any of the harsh side effects or complications with health problems and worries about possible drug interactions that you would have to deal with when taking sedatives or other drugs for aiding sleep.  Also, with Tai Chi you do not have to worry about always being tired even after you sleep which can often happen with some sedatives that leave you drowsy and feeling wiped out the next day even though you are getting to sleep at night.

Additionally, you get the added benefits of Tai Chi itself which can help you improve both your physical and mental well being.  The soft, fluid movements of Tai Chi are non-stressful on your body and is something that can be practiced by nearly anyone.  So if you are always tired, maybe the ancient art of Tai Chi can help you find a more peaceful night.

Four Foods to Keep You Young

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You’re never too old to start eating right and taking care of your body from the inside out. Try to incorporate these four foods to help keep your mind and body on the upside of life.

• Apples — they help keep your digestive system going strong.

• Ginger — for aches and pains, ginger is packed full of powerful antioxidants to help fight inflammation and hurt muscles.

• Cherry juice — we need sleep on our side to function optimally into our golden years. If you’re having trouble getting to bed and staying asleep, opt for cherry juice in the evening as it has melatonin in it.

• Spinach — full of magnesium, spinach can help maintain nerve function and regulate blood sugar.

If you’re wondering what else you can do to keep your body feeling young, give us a call and schedule a consultation. (281) 616-3816

“Fad” Weight Loss Diet

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Obesity is a physical state that refers to excessive body fat. Chances are you have experienced the frustrations of dieting at least once in your life, if you have problems with your weight. Close to a hundred million Americans go on a weight loss diet in any given year and up to ninety-five percent of them regain the weight they lose within five years. Worse, a third will gain back more weight than they lost, in danger of “yo-yoing” from one popular diet to another. The conventional approach to weight problems, focusing on fad weight loss diets or weight loss drugs, may leave you with just as much weight and the additional burden of ill health.

Today, an estimated sixty-five percent of all American adults are obese or overweight. Our culture obsesses about staying thin even as we grow fatter, but this isn’t about appearances. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many debilitating health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease. Obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every year. In addition, the public health costs for obesity are staggering. According to researchers at Harvard University, obesity is a factor in 19% of all cases of heart disease with annual health costs estimated at 30 billion dollars; it’s also a factor in 57% of diabetes cases, with health costs of $9 billion per year.

No doubt you have fallen for one or more of the weight loss diet schemes over the years, promising quick and painless weight loss. Many of these quick weight loss diet programs undermine your health, cause physical discomfort, flatulence, and ultimately lead to disappointment when you start regaining weight, shortly after losing it. Fad or quick weight loss diet programs generally overstress one type of food. They contravene the fundamental principle of good nutrition – to remain healthy one must consume a balanced diet, which includes a variety of foods. Safe, healthy, and permanent weight reduction is what’s truly lost among the thousands of popular diet schemes.

Halloween Meringue Ghosts

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(Makes 24 ghosts)

Meringue Ghosts: fluffy, gluten-free crispy meringue covered in chocolate and turned into ghosts, the ideal treat for Halloween. The versatility of the meringue means that- with extracts- you can add any flavor you like. There are classics like vanilla and almond, but orange, lemon, other extracts (even mint) also come out great. Flavoring them is advised as otherwise the meringue in itself doesn’t pack much taste.

Creativity is always a great boost to flavor: the crunchy toppings they’re dipped in make a difference. Roasted nuts, coconut, candied sprinkles and even chopped candy bars are all great options.


  • 2 egg whites at room temperature
  • 1/8 tsp cream of tartar
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp extract (vanilla or almond)
  • 8 oz semi-sweet chocolate
  • Roasted nuts, coconut, or candy sprinkles



  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  1. Place the egg whites (at room temperature) in a stand mixer bowl with a whisk attachment. (You can also use a large bowl and hand mixer with a wire whisk.)
  1. Set the mixer to med-high speed and beat the egg whites until they are foaming. Stop the mixer, add in the cream of tartar and then keep beating at medium-high setting until the egg whites have turned to opaque white color and can hold soft peaks.
  1. Now, start adding powdered sugar, just a few spoonfuls at a time as the mixer runs. Once all the sugar is added, incorporate any extracts you want to use and set the mixer to high speed. Keep beating the egg whites until very thick, glossy, and shiny white in color. When powering off the mixer and lifting the whisk out of the egg whites, they should hold stiff peaks. This process should take around 7-12 minutes.
  1. Line two baking sheets with parchment (wax) paper. Put the meringue mixture in a piping bag with a ½ inch round tip, or alternatively, into a large Ziploc bag with a ½ inch hole cut in one of the corners.
  1. Pipe the meringue into ghost shapes of about 1-1/2 inches wide by 2 inches tall. This can be accomplished either by squeezing the bag and then gradually pulling up thus making a big “blob” of a ghost, or through a series of upward spiraling concentric circles. Pipe 12 ghosts this way onto both baking sheet totaling about 2 dozen meringue ghosts.
  1. In the preheated oven, bake the meringues one hour. After that initial hour, open the oven door and keep cooking for 30 minutes. Turn the oven off, close the door, and let the meringues sit until they have completely cooled down, this should take approximately one hour.
  1. Once the meringues are crisp and at room temperature, melt the chocolate (in a microwave-safe bowl or double boiler). If you want to coat the meringue bottoms in crushed nuts, sprinkles, or toasted coconut, set those toppings in small, shallow bowls.
  1. Dip the bottoms of the ghosts into the chocolate, scrape the bottoms against the bowl’s edge in order to remove the excess chocolate. If you’re using other toppings, don’t wait and press the bottom of the ghost into the topping bowl so that it sticks to the wet chocolate. Set the dipped ghost back onto the baking sheet and repeat the process with all remaining ghosts and chocolate. With a toothpick and the remaining melted chocolate, make two dots for eyes on each ghost and, should you want to, a mouth or other features.
  1. Refrigerate the ghosts for about 5-10 minutes in order to allow the chocolate to set. Don’t refrigerate them any longer than what is absolutely necessary: they will absorb moisture from the refrigerator and lose their crispness if left too long.

Store the Meringue Ghosts in an airtight container at room  temperature.